New logo for the Slovenians of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Photo: FVG Region

A thread woven into the shape of a heart to symbolize the strong ties within the Slovenian community in Italy but also a reference to its history and culture. A project conceived within the two reference organizations of Slovenians in Italy, the Slovenska kulturno-gospodarska zveza – Slovenian Cultural and Economic Union and the Svet slovenskih organizacij – Confederation of Slovenian organizations, also implemented with the contribution of the Region. “The logo chosen to represent Slovenians in Italy, in addition to being very aesthetically pleasing, is certainly spot on.


An identity symbol that represents the desire to uniquely convey the numerous potentialities of the community“, said the regional councillor of FVG for local autonomy Pier Paolo Roberti during the presentation of the project. The objective is twofold – those present recalled – on the one hand it is promotional, therefore to make known and experience the reality of Slovenians in Italy, and on the other it aims to facilitate connections and strengthen ties within the community itself. The desire to promote a lively and up-to-date community that has managed to maintain its original identity despite the challenges was also underlined. In addition to the new logo, in recent months work has also been done on the development of a specific website – accessible from Friday 5 July – which will allow not only to explore the tourist and cultural aspect but also to get to know the Slovenian national community and the territory that hosts it more closely.


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