Labor Consultants – The regional congress of the labor unions of Calabria in Cosenza

Labor Consultants – The regional congress of the labor unions of Calabria in Cosenza
Labor Consultants – The regional congress of the labor unions of Calabria in Cosenza

On 20 and 21 June 2024, the Labor Consultants of Calabria will meet in Arcavacata di Rende (CS), at the University of Calabria, on the occasion of the Regional Congress of the Provincial Councils of the Order. “Working with AI: challenges, solutions and prospects for the future” is the title chosen for the two days which will open on 20 June at 2.00 pm with a series of reflections focused on the opportunities and risks of AI in the world of work and public administration. The works will resume on Friday 21 June starting from 9.30 am with the intervention of the President of the National Council of the Order, Rosario De Luca. At the center of the debates is the in-depth analysis of new tools to support professionals such as AIDA, artificial intelligence for the acquisition and advanced analysis of data. Focus also on the implications of AI on safety, legality and equal opportunities. The event will also be an opportunity to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the ANCL and to sign a memorandum of understanding with the University of Calabria.

Related news: Training the “fragile” to rediscover talents – Labor Consultants and ELA to promote a culture of ethical work – Regulating AI to promote company safety and protect workers

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