The great exhibition of Ivo Lombardi at the Granai di Villa Mimbelli

The great exhibition of Ivo Lombardi at the Granai di Villa Mimbelli
The great exhibition of Ivo Lombardi at the Granai di Villa Mimbelli

Tuesday 2 July 2024 — 14:36

“Summa. Stati d’animo” is the title of the retrospective exhibition dedicated to the artist from Livorno Ivo Lombardi, scheduled at the Museo Fattori – Granai Villa Mimbelli in Livorno from 6 July (vernissage at 18.00) to 18 August

“Summa. Moods” is the title of the retrospective exhibition dedicated to the Livorno artist Ivo Lombardi scheduled at the Fattori Museum – Granai Villa Mimbelli in Livorno from July 6 (vernissage at 6:00 p.m.) to August 18. The exhibition – organized by the Municipality of Livorno with the contribution of the Fondazione d’arte Trossi Uberti (Livorno), Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra and presented by the critical text by Giancarlo Bertoncini – is the story of Lombardi’s artistic journey from his debut in 1963 to the present day. In the rooms on the first floor of the Granai, in fact, about a hundred works including installations, paintings, artist’s books, drawings, engravings, graphic works and sculptures will retrace Lombardi’s research, who has always been committed to investigating themes such as the environment, memory, conflicts and poetry through his art. The visitor will thus be able to discover the first works from the 1960s dedicated to the changing cities, those from the 1970s in which the theme of industrialization is strong, the works in which matter and forms are the protagonists such as Affioramenti and Terre di Cuoio from the decade 1986-1996. To then arrive at crucial works such as Osservando il pianeta (1998) or A futura memoria (1999), passing through the cycle of Artist’s Books and the one on the Metamorphoses of language, both begun in the 2000s. Also present, among others, are the 1999 War Games (recently revisited) and the works dedicated to Emigrations, begun in 2006. Finally, there will be more recent works created during the Covid-19 pandemic, in which a suspended Time is represented, with numerous large-format works and Artist’s Books on the same theme.
The exhibition will then be dotted with site-specific installations such as The Fall of the Rebel Angel, The Bright Books (2019) and, finally, a large installation on the world of bees and the role they play on our planet; a scenographic work in which the environmentalist commitment that has always distinguished Lombardi’s poetics strongly emerges.
The exhibition, with free admission, will be open until August 18, 2024 during museum opening hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm.
The catalogue will be available at the exhibition with a large gallery of images and a detailed
critical anthology.

Ivo Lombardi was born in 1936 in Livorno, the city where he lives and works. Since the 1990s he has actively participated in exhibitions in Italy and Europe. At the beginning of the 2000s he created a large number of artist’s books in collaboration with friends, writers and poets including Luciano Della Mea, Simonetta Melani, Roberto Veracini, Dino Carlesi, Mario Luzi, Silvano Granchi, Luciano Fusi, Giuliano Scabia, Valerio Vallini. Creator and curator of many artistic events together with poets and cultural animators, he has also created murals in Santa Croce sull’Arno, Livorno, Pontedera, Navacchio, Treuchtlingen (Germany), La Gaude and Mende (France), Amadora (Portugal)…

Title: Summa. States of Mind. nineteen sixty-two thousand twenty-four
Artist: Ivo Lombardi
Where: Granaries of Villa Mimbelli (Fattori Museum), via San Jacopo in Acquaviva, 65
When: July 6th to August 18th
Organization: Municipality of Livorno (Department of Culture)
With the contribution of: Trossi Uberti Art Foundation (Livorno), Savings Bank Foundation of Volterra
Sponsor: Pelosi Serafino & C., Guamo (Lu)
Opening hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7pm.
Free entry
Catalogue: present in the exhibition, Editore Pacini (Pisa) with the introduction of Prof. Giancarlo Bertoncini and a rich critical anthology.
Info: Tel.0586–808001/824607; Mail [email protected]

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