From Rome to Catania it is Pride day. Schlein also in the capital: “Words on rights disappeared from the G7, we defend them”

From Rome to Catania it is Pride day. Schlein also in the capital: “Words on rights disappeared from the G7, we defend them”
From Rome to Catania it is Pride day. Schlein also in the capital: “Words on rights disappeared from the G7, we defend them”

Thousands of people at the 30th anniversary parade Rome Pride. Hundreds of rainbow flags and colorful clothes crowd the streets. Forty wagons which parade through the arteries of the Capital to reach the Baths of Caracalla. Godmother this year she is the singer Annalisawhose song “Sincerely” was chosen as the anthem of the event. In the lead are some motorbikes and behind them the banner with this year’s slogan “30 years of pride“, supported among others by the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri. The secretary of the Democratic Party also paraded Elly Schleinlike the Democratic MP Laura Boldrini and the secretary of +Europa, Riccardo Magi. “We are a million in the square today.” She said it Mario Colamarinopresident of the Mario Mieli Homosexual Culture Club as well as spokesperson for Roma Pride.

In addition to the capital, four other cities, between today and tomorrow, will be crossed by parades of the pride wave, the great demonstration in support of people’s rights LGBTQI+ organized by Arcigay and by other local and national associations. Procession also to Turindeparting in via Principe Eugenio, in Sicily with the Catania Pride and, on the other side of the peninsula, in Lombardy, the Bergamo Pride. The parade is scheduled for Sunday Verona Pride, starting at 3.30pm from Piazzetta Santa Toscana.

“An extraordinary participation in the Rome Pride, others will follow throughout Italy. We will continue to defend rights of LGBTQIA+ people despite the government missing another opportunity during this G7 where some words disappeared: abortion, gender identity, sexual orientation”, commented the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein participating from Roma Pride: “They can delete a few words but they cannot erase our bodies, our fight for freedom and equality for all people“, he added. Gualtieri recalled how Pride is “one partybut also one struggle” to “overcome all legislative, social and cultural discrimination”. On the rainbow-colored subway car, Gualtieri said “it’s beautiful. It exists in many European cities, the controversies make no sense. We respect those who protest but let’s move forward with our choices.”

“Our Onda parades at the weekend of the powerful gathered in the G7 in Puglia to discuss the lives of millions of us – declares Gabriele Piazzonigeneral secretary of Arcigay – A meeting with a long list of topics, from wars to the economy, but which resizes and smooths out, by explicit will of Italy, the themes of women and LGBTQI+ people. Here we are then, President Meloni: here are the people she would like to erase with a stroke of the pen. You will see us in the streets talking about a country in struggle, beautiful and proud.” “A different country from hitters that the heads of state saw upon their arrival in our parliament. All his faithful allies. The country that is instead marching in the streets today is a country that she does not want but above all cannot represent, she who with her government has launched a infamous war to the boys and girls of rainbow families and to adolescents with gender variance – concludes Piazzoni – The pink of your dress cancels out the black of your policies, President Meloni. Here we are again, despite its bear market. Meanwhile enjoy our word“.

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