What would Gotti’s squad look like today? Lecce between the two seasons

What would Gotti’s squad look like today? Lecce between the two seasons
What would Gotti’s squad look like today? Lecce between the two seasons

Another half month, then the transfer market summer, and with it formally also the new football season, will begin. Meanwhile, between the two years, the Lecce begins to take shape from the head, with Luca’s (automatic) confirmation and (not obvious) renewal Gotti on the yellow-red bench. And what about the rose? Let’s see the temporary situation between purchases, expired contracts and returns from various loans.

GOALKEEPERS. Tra i pali le maglie vanno subito ad aumentare, visto che oltre ai quattro portieri della passata annata si registra il rientro, pur momentaneo, di Bleve dal prestito alla Carrarese. Unless a sensational offer arrives for Falcone, things are unlikely to change compared to last championship.

DEFENDERS. Al momento gli unici addii certi sono quelli con Dermaku e Touba, il primo in scadenza di contratto ed il secondo che farà ritorno al Basaksehir dopo il prestito. However, Lemmens and Smajlovic will see each other again after the months at Lecco. From the Spring, training camp opportunities for the young players Esposito and Pascalau.

MIDFIELDS. The entire midfield department is owned and, net of transfers, will start the season as it ended. Ai soliti noti si aggiungeranno poi Maleh, Helgason (ma il Braunschweig è pronto a fare un’offerta per acquistarlo) e Faticanti, oltre ai Primavera McJannet e Yilmaz.

ATTACKERS. No offer for Almqvist and Piccoli. The Swede returns to Rostov while for the attacker there is still some chance of a new operation, if not “Pongracic-style” then almost. Instead, Voelkerling Persson, Rodriguez and Listkowski will see each other again. Possible retirement for Daka, back in vogue with the Primavera after his injury, and Salomaa, also back from his loan at Lecco.

The rose of Lecce to date:

GOALKEEPERS: Falcone, Brancolini, Borbei, Salomaa, Bleve

DEFENDERS: Gendrey, Venuti, Baschirotto, Pongracic, Lemmens, Smajlovic, Esposito, Pascalau, Gallo, Dorgu

MIDFIELDS: Ramadani, Blin, Kaba, Gonzalez, Rafia, Oudin, Berisha, Samek, Maleh, Helgason, Faticanti, McJannet, Yilmaz

ATTACKERS: Krstovic, Banda, Sansone, Pierotti, Corfitzen, Burnete, Voelkerling Persson, Rodriguez, Listkowski, Daka, Salomaa

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