polls open for European and administrative elections

Elections in Umbria: polls open for European and administrative elections

Polling stations opened in Umbria on Saturday afternoon at 3pm to allow citizens to cast their vote in the European and local elections. In total, around 683 thousand Umbrians are called to the polls to choose the representatives of the European Parliament and, in many cases, also to renew the municipal administrations. In the province of Perugia there are 508,291 those entitled to vote, while in the province of Terni there are 175,256. Among these, more than 404 thousand voters will also participate in the municipal elections to elect the mayor and city councilors.

Overall, there are 60 Umbrian municipalities that will renew their local administrations: 39 in the province of Perugia, with 353,114 voters, and 21 in the province of Terni, with 51,302 voters. Voting operations will take place until 11pm on Saturday and will resume on Sunday from 7am to 11pm. Once the polls close, the counting of the ballots for the European elections will begin, followed by the counting of the ballots for the municipal elections.

Among the Municipalities called to vote, seven have a population exceeding 15 thousand inhabitants and could therefore go to a run-off if no candidate achieved an absolute majority of votes in the first round. These municipalities are Perugia, Bastia Umbra, Castiglione del Lago, Foligno, Gubbio, Marsciano and Orvieto.

In Perugia, five candidates are vying to succeed the outgoing centre-right mayor Andrea Romizi, who cannot stand for re-election. Margherita Scoccia, supported by a coalition of centre-right lists including Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, challenges Vittoria Ferdinandi, supported by the centre-left, which includes the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and the Green and Left Alliance. The other candidates are Davide Baiocco, supported by Alternativa Riformista and Italexit, Leonardo Caponi of the Italian Communist Party and Massimo Monni of Perugia Merita.

In Bastia Umbra, the outgoing mayor Paola Lungarotti seeks reconfirmation, supported by a center-right coalition that includes the list Paola Lungarotti mayor, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Lega. Lungarotti will have to deal with Erigo Pecci, supported by United for Bastia, Democratic Party, Green and Left Alliance, 5 Star Movement, PSI and Progetto Bastia; Catia degli Esposti, supported by Forza Bastia, Bastia Futura, Civica per Bastia and Bastia Popolare; and Matteo Santoni, candidate of Popular Alternative.

In Castiglione del Lago, the outgoing mayor Matteo Burico, supported by a center-left coalition that includes Democratic Project, Times New-Popular United, Burico mayor, Dialogue and Action, and the Democratic Party, is attempting to obtain a second mandate. His opponents are Filippo Vecchi, supported by a center-right coalition that includes Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and the Filippo Vecchi mayoral list, and Paolo Brancaleoni, supported by the Brancaleoni mayoral list.

In Foligno, the outgoing mayor Stefano Zuccarini, supported by a center-right coalition that includes Lega, Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Più in Alto and the list Stefano Zuccarini mayor, faces Mauro Masciotti, supported by the Democratic Party, Foligno in Municipality, Foligno 2030, Pact for Foligno, Foligno Tomorrow-Mauro Masciotti mayor and 5 Star Movement. The other candidates in Foligno are Moreno Finamonti from the La Voce di Foligno list and Enrico Presilla, supported by Alternativa Popolare, Impegno Civile and Per Foligno.

Gubbio sees six candidates running to succeed the outgoing mayor Stirati. Alessia Tasso, supported by Free and Democrats, Democratic Party, 5 Star Movement and PSI, challenges Leonardo Nafissi, supported by Gubbio Città Futura, Gubbio Partecipa and Sinistra Possibile. Other candidates are Vittorio Fiorucci, supported by Gubbio Civica-Fiorucci mayor, Club Millennials, Lega, Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia; Rocco Girlanda, supported by Gubbio Democratica, Gubbio Viva, Rinascimento Eugubino and Lista Baldinelli-Alternativa for Gubbio; Francesco Della Porta of the Italian Communist Party and Gabriele Tognoloni of Cantiere Sociale-Sinistra Eugubina.

In Marsciano, the outgoing mayor Francesca Mele, supported by a center-right coalition that includes the Francesca Mele mayor list, Civitas, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Lega, faces Michele Moretti, supported by the Democratic Party, Action, Moretti mayor list, Progressives for Marsciano and Altra Marsciano, and Sabatino Ranieri, candidate of Marsciano Civica and Marsciano Democratica.

Finally, in Orvieto, the only municipality in the province of Terni with the possibility of a run-off, the outgoing mayor Roberta Tardani, supported by a centre-right coalition that includes the Roberta Tardani mayor list, Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia and Lega, faces Stefano Biagioli, supported by Stefano Biagioli for the Common Good, Orvieto al Centro, Democratic Party and Bella Orvieto. The other candidates are Roberta Palazzetti, supported by Proposta Civica and Città in Movimento, and Giordano Conticelli, supported by Partecipa e Cambia.

In the province of Perugia, the other 53 municipalities with less than 15 thousand inhabitants will see single-round elections. In Campello sul Clitunno, the mayoral candidates are Domizio Natali of Solidarietà e Progresso and Simonetta Scarabottini of Amiamo Campello. In Castel Ritaldi, Piero Ugolini of Cives Castel Ritaldi, Elisa Sabbatini of Viviamo Castel Ritaldi (outgoing mayor) and Francesco Caccia of Alternativa Popolare compete. Other examples include Giandomenico Montesi of Insieme per Crescere and Gino Emili of Impegmento Comune in Cerreto di Spoleto, Eleonora Della Rina of Citerna Risorsa dell’Umbria, Alessandro Capacci of Insieme We can and Enea Paladino of Civica Libera Tutti (outgoing mayor) in Citerna.

In detail, the other municipalities voting in the province of Perugia include: Città della Pieve with Fausto Risini (Liberamente, outgoing mayor), Marco Cannoni (Together for Città della Pieve) and Luciano Fatichenti (Cambiamo); Collazzone with Augusto Morlupi (United for an Open Door Municipality), Anna Iacchettini (Always for Collazzone) and Laura Antonelli (Collazzone Common Good); Costacciaro with Andrea Capponi (Costacciaro per Tutti); Fossato di Vico with Lorenzo Polidori (Fossato per Tutti); Fratta Todina with Gianluca Coata (Democrats Tutti), Pier Luigi Pancrazi (Progetto Comune) and Andrea Falconi (In Comune con Noi); Giano dell’Umbria with Manuel Petruccioli (United for Giano, outgoing mayor) and Luca Malossi (Giano Domani); Gualdo Cattaneo with Edelberto Santini (Idea Civica) and Enrico Valentini (Obiettivo Gualdo Avanti Insieme, outgoing mayor); Gualdo Tadino with Massimiliano Presciutti (Gualdo 2030, outgoing mayor), Fabio Pasquarelli (Gualdo) and Simona Vitali (Remaking Gualdo); Lisciano Niccone with Gianluca Moscioni (Riformist Democratic Union, outgoing mayor) and Cesare Sassolini (Lisciano Libera).

In Magione, the mayoral candidates are Massimo Lagetti

(United for Magione) and Stefania Silvano (Civic List for the Common Good); in Monte Castello di Vibio, Massimiliano Seri (Common Project) and Gianni Fanfano (For the Common Good); in Montone, Mirco Rinaldi (Montone Futura, outgoing mayor); in Nocera Umbra, Giovanni Bontempi (Nocera nel Cuore, outgoing mayor) and Leonardo Lini (Nocera Città Aperta); in Paciano, Riccardo Bardelli (Together for Paciano); in Panicale, Giulio Cherubini (Panicale Project, outgoing mayor) and Giulio Sargentini (Municipal Commitment for Panicale); in Passignano sul Trasimeno, Sandro Pasquali (Passignano Viva, outgoing mayor), Paola Verucci (Passignano Protagonist) and Carlo Tei (5 Star Movement); in Pietralunga, Mirko Ceci (Noi per Pietralunga, outgoing mayor) and Francesco Procelli (Pietralunga Unita); in Piegaro, Federico Pregliasco (Piegaro Domani, outgoing mayor) and Patrizia Pieretti (Civitas Piegaro); in Preci, Massimo Messi (United for Preci, outgoing mayor); to Scheggia and Pascelupo, Fabio Vergari (Renewal, outgoing mayor) and Federico Sabatini (Scheggia and Pascelupo nel Cuore); in Scheggino, Fabio Dottori (Scheggino nel Cuore, outgoing mayor); in Sigillo, Riccardo Coletti (Il Comune di Tutti, outgoing mayor); in Spello, Moreno Landrini (Spello Domani, outgoing mayor); in Spoleto, Umberto De Augustinis (For Spoleto, outgoing mayor), Andrea Sisti (Lista Sisti) and Samuele Bonanni (Nuova Spoleto); in Todi, Antonino Ruggiano (For Todi, outgoing mayor), Floriano Pizzichini (Todi per Tutti) and Morena Castellani (Left for Todi); in Torgiano, Eridano Liberti (Together for Torgiano) and Antonello Guasticchi (Civic for Torgiano).

In the province of Terni, in addition to Orvieto, other municipalities voting are: Alviano with Giovanni Ciardo (United for Alviano), Amelia with Laura Pernazza (Pact for Amelia, outgoing mayor), Attigliano with Daniele Benedetti (Attigliano Bene Comune), Avigliano Umbro with Luciano Conti (United for Avigliano Umbro, outgoing mayor) and Luigi Mancini (For Avigliano Umbro); Baschi with Giuliano Rondelli (Rebirth for Baschi); Calvi dell’Umbria with Guido Grillini (United for Calvi); Ficulle with Gianluca Marcelli (Ficulle Insieme, outgoing mayor); Giove with Alvaro Parca (Giove Domani, outgoing mayor) and Daniele Stella (Cambiamo Giove); Guardea with Giampiero Lattanzi (Guardea Project, outgoing mayor); Lugnano in Teverina with Gianluca Filiberti (Project for Lugnano, outgoing mayor); Montecchio with Federico Gori (Together for Montecchio); Narni with Francesco De Rebotti (Together for Narni, outgoing mayor); Otricoli with Antonio Liberati (Otricoli per Tutti, outgoing mayor) and Tommaso Amadei (Amadei Mayor for Otricoli); Parrano with Valentino Filippetti (United for Parrano, outgoing mayor); Penna in Teverina with Giulio Nardini (Per Penna, outgoing mayor); Polino with Remigio Venanzi (Together for Polino, outgoing mayor); San Gemini with Luciano Clementella (San Gemini nel Cuore), Leonardo Grimani (Progetto Comune) and Giuseppe Bracco (San Gemini Bene Comune); San Venanzo with Marsilio Marinelli (Renewal for San Venanzo, outgoing mayor), Stefano Valentini (Let’s change San Venanzo) and Simone Rellini (San Venanzo Futura); Stroncone with Giuseppe Malvetani (Stroncone per Tutti) and Michele Armati (Stroncone Rinasce).

The Umbrian electoral round ends on Sunday evening with the counting of the ballots, when the new representatives at European and local level will be proclaimed.

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