Varese Pride 2024 – Arcigay is back

demonstration for the human rights of LGBTQIA+ people

Parade on Saturday 22 June and a whole month of events

Varese, 06/07/2024

Everything is ready for Varese Pride 2024, the event that has animated the city of Varese since 2016 with the colors and values ​​of the rainbow, to promote the culture of inclusion, respect for human rights and solidarity towards LGBTQIA+ people ( lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and other gender identities and sexual orientation) and their families.

Varese Pride 2024, organized by Arcigay Varese with the main sponsor Vector and the gold sponsor Vodafone Automotiveis created in partnership with the Municipality of Varesethe patronage ofUniversity of Insubria and of theCanadian Embassy in Italyin addition to the participation of numerous city and provincial entities.

Varese Pride 2024 offers a series of events that will take place throughout the month of June, transforming the traditional Pride Week into Pride Month. The Pride Month events are organized by local entities, who wanted to contribute to creating a rich and varied program, capable of offering cultural, artistic and social proposals. Among the planned initiatives, there will be exhibitions, shows, debates, screenings, workshops, meetings and moments of conviviality, to involve the widest and most varied public possible, raising awareness on the issues of diversity and human rights. The complete list of events is on the website

Among the guests of the events on Wednesday 12 June at 8.30 pm there will also be the national president of Arcigay Natasha Maesi at a talk on the topic of transfeminism at Tumiturbi.

The highlight of Varese Pride 2024 will be Saturday 22 Junewhen the procession will be held which will start at 5pm from Piazza Monte Grappa and will travel through the streets of the historic center to the rhythm of music selected by DJ Ilariasds until arriving at the Giardini Estensi, where the Varese Pride Night, a large outdoor party with music, entertainment and exceptional guests, including singers Yosef and the Varese area Riki Cellini. The godmother of the event will be Romina Falconi, Roman singer-songwriter with an eclectic and irreverent personality, she is an icon of Italian pop music and a passionate activist for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. With her powerful voice and sharp lyrics, Romina has won over audiences with songs that address important topics such as love, identity and self-acceptance. At the Pride Night at the Giardini Estensi you will perform as a special guest Chadia Rodriguez, Italian-Moroccan rapper, an explosion of energy and talent who has conquered the Italian music scene with her unique style and bold lyrics. With her scratchy voice and magnetic presence, Chadia addresses important issues such as female empowerment, inclusion and the fight against stereotypes; Also present are the drag queens La Ines, La Safira and Miss Nuit Blanche, who with their glamorous charm and their irony will be able to enchant and entertain the public with their performances. The evening will continue with a DJ set by Cusa DJ, resident DJ of Varese Pride. With his infectious energy and eclectic music selection, he knows how to get everyone dancing and having fun. Her passion for music and her commitment to the LGBTQIA+ cause come together in engaging and emotion-rich sets, making her an icon of Varese Pride.

On stage too La Trape, Effe, Vita Ninja, Croce Atroce, Odette Face, Yrina Polanova, Kilian Lenox and many others who will perform in a show that will give visibility to the Italian queer scene.

For those who want to continue having fun, the Official After Pride Party will be open from 01:00 at Il Salotto, the venue in Viale Belforte, 178, which will host the Varese Pride participants with music, drinks and entertainment.

Varese Pride 2024 will also be an opportunity to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community with two symbolic gestures: the lighting of Palazzo Estense, the seat of the Municipality, with the colors of the rainbow, and the installation of LGBTQIA+ flags in different points of the city, to demonstrate the closeness of the institutions and citizens to the cause of Varese Pride.

Ahead of the event, the president of Arcigay Varese, Giovanni Boschini, said: “Recent data on the increase in violence and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people in Italy and Europe are alarming. 61% of those interviewed in the FRA LGBTI Survey III declared that violence against LGBTI people has increased in Italy since 2019. In our territory, over 200 people turned to the anti-discrimination center for incidents of discrimination based on sexual orientation and on gender identity. The Italian government’s refusal to sign international declarations protecting LGBTQIA+ rights further aggravates the situation, demonstrating a worrying lack of commitment in the fight against homophobia and transphobia.

Varese Pride 2024 is therefore more than ever a necessary event. Pride is a celebration of LGBTQIA+ pride, an affirmation of our identity and our rights. It is a moment of joy and celebration, but also an opportunity to raise public awareness and request concrete actions to guarantee equal rights and dignity to all people, in Varese as in the rest of the country.

Pride is an opportunity to reiterate that love knows no boundaries and that diversity is an asset to be protected and enhanced. Together, we can build a more just and inclusive society, in which every person can freely live their identity and love.”

The Municipality of Varese has also expressed its support for Varese Pride:

“The colorful wave of Pride returns to reiterate the defense of civil rights regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression – adds the Equal Opportunities Councilor Rossella Dimaggio – to guarantee everyone the freedom to live their loved ones without any type of discrimination and in any context, be it work, family or social”.

“Our city is inclusive, liberal, pluralist and supports full respect for the civil and social rights of all citizens – explains the Councilor for Culture Enzo Laforgia – Every year thousands of people participate in the Pride demonstration to give voice and support to these rights, in the fight against any type of discrimination”.

For more information on the Varese Pride 2024 program and how to participate, you can visit the official website or follow the social channels Facebook @varesepride and Instagram @vareseprideofficial.

Article taken from

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Promote rights, actions, well-being, campaigns, demonstrations, monitor and put pressure on parliament and institutions so that in Italy there are increasingly more egalitarian policies and laws in favor of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersexuals, it costs.

Arcigay tries to give substance and reality to each of these objectives with specific programs and initiatives…how expensive!

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