A new phase of mobilization by Coldiretti begins in Molise

CAMPOBASSO. A new phase of mobilization by Coldiretti begins in Molise. After the concerted trade union activity which saw agricultural and livestock entrepreneurs belonging to the Organization, including hundreds of people from Molise, demonstrate in Brussels, at the Brenner pass and in recent days in the ports of Bari and Salerno, Coldiretti Molise announces two imminent assemblies provincial, the 10th in Isernia and the 11th in Campobasso. During the two meetings the management will decide the next trade union actions to be taken to protect the sector.

Wild boars, surface measures, reclamation consortia and water fees, but also damage from bad weather, such as that from downy mildew which eliminated grape production last year, are among the topics that will take center stage. “In our Managers’ Assemblies – announced the regional President of Coldiretti, Claudio Papa – we will evaluate and decide on the trade union actions to be implemented shortly in our region. We can no longer stand by and watch – he added – while our businesses close in the complete indifference of the regional institutions”.

The most serious emergency is certainly that of the invasion of wild boars (there are over 40 thousand in the region) “which – explained Pope – destroy crops, biodiversity and also constitute a great problem for the safety of citizens, causing road accidents and pushing ever further into inhabited centres”.

A problem that worsens with the risk of spreading ASF (African swine fever), of which wild boars are the main vectors. Therefore a problem, this of the uncontrolled increase in wild boars, which must be resolved as soon as possible through the adoption of an “extraordinary plan” for the management and containment of wild fauna as provided for by the Interministerial Decree of 13 June 2023.

Urgent interventions and a strong assumption of political responsibility are also useful against the proliferation of wind and photovoltaic parks which too often, underlined the regional director of the organisation, Aniello Ascolese, “steal fertile soil suited to excellent production, causing strong distortions of the land market due to interference by financial companies linked to energy multinationals”.

The issue of the correct use of water resources is also extremely important, especially in a period like this characterized by climate change with extreme events and an increasingly widespread drought. In this context, great attention must be paid to the distribution of the resource. In this context we recall the heavy debt exposure of the “Basso Molise” Reclamation Consortium which must be addressed with determination, as well as the water fees bills paid by livestock farms which absolutely do not take into account the company’s realities.

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