UISP – National – Uisp on Rai with activities for the elderly of Uisp Rovigo

Uisp on Rai with activities for the elderly of Uisp Rovigo

Physical activity between the ages of 50 and 90: the Uisp project, which turns 16, this year involved 1500 people from 40 municipalities in the area

“I no longer stumble, even though the pavements are uneven, at the risk of our femurs, since they taught me that when I walk I have to put my heel down first so I don’t fall”. It opens with the words of Mrs. Maria Teresa Proni the TgR Rai Veneto service which reports the results of the integrated project promoted for 16 years by Uisp Rovigo throughout the territory.


Maria Teresa is 90 years old and for three he has participated in the gentle gymnastics course promoted by the Uisp as part of the project for the promotion of health in the adult and elderly population. With this initiative the sportpertutti association promotes well-being through an active lifestyle since 2008: “The pain I felt in my shoulders disappeared when I got dressed every morning, I no longer have them”, continues Maria Teresa, and adds: “Do you think that I signed up for the gym not to do physical activity but because I felt alone and knowing that twice a week I have someone waiting for me, I’m part of a group, at 90 years old it’s no small thing.” Graziella Baruchelloanother course participant, specifies: “I’ve only been coming recently, I found out about it from my friend, I must say that I’m happy, my existence has improvedI feel good and I have made many friends.”

“The slogan of the project is “The pleasure of moving has no age”so the emphasis is not so much on health but on the pleasure that health gives you, understood as a resource for daily life”, he comments Maria Chiara Pavarinco-responsible for Health Promotion Policies Uisp.

This year 1500 seniors and adults from 50 to 90 years old, led by 30 Uisp instructors, took turns in local gyms with around forty municipalities involved. In mid-May the big party took place with groups from all over the province to share a moment of joy. SEE THE PHOTO GALLERY

“It’s definitely our flagship – he says Cinzia Sivier, president of Uisp Rovigo – because the Uisp, in addition to the sporting part, also has this role of prevention and promotion of health policies”. The Polesine ULSS 5 company also collaborates in the project, promoting this form of self-protection of health, foreseen by the regional prevention plan, by activating general practitioners. “The collaboration with the Uisp has been in place for many years and through general medicine and initiatives that start directly from the Ulss, we encourage people to sign up for courses and all those activities that we know are good for the body but also for the mind”, he adds Marcello Mazzodirector of Social Health Company Ulss 5 Polesana.

published on: 06/04/2024 | displayed 10 times

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