Liguria Region-Fincantieri Agreement, Courses for Naval Operators. Muggiano is also there

Liguria Region-Fincantieri Agreement, Courses for Naval Operators. Muggiano is also there
Liguria Region-Fincantieri Agreement, Courses for Naval Operators. Muggiano is also there

“We are pleased to be able to give concrete follow-up to the dialogue on the topic of training started in September with Fincantieri. We have moved specifically to plan, in synergy with one of the most important industrial companies in the country, work developments for the present and the future with the common goal of providing employment. In this sense, the opening of registrations for two courses for welding-carpentry station attendant, under the regional call ‘Train to occupy’, is the first fruit of the shared work and will guarantee work to several unemployed Ligurians. The Liguria Region, through the unprecedented resources of the European Social Fund, wants to bring supply and demand of work ever closer together: this is a tangible example. In fact, this call contains the obligation to hire at least 60% of those who complete the courses, to guarantee training that is not an end in itself, but on the contrary becomes a concrete gateway to the world of work”. This is how the Councilor for Training Marco Scajola expressed himself when commenting on the launch of two courses for naval operators, welding carpenters, in synergy with Fincantieri and with the accredited bodies ‘Villaggio del Ragazzo’ of San Salvatore di Cogorno and Cisita della Spezia, respectively for the shipyards of Riva Trigoso (Ge) and Muggiano (Sp). Registration for both courses is open and will close on July 29. “Through ‘Train to occupy’ we have already allocated 2.6 million euros of the 5 put out to tender, starting 34 projects – continues Councilor Scajola -. In this way, at the moment, we are involving 500 unemployed people of whom over 320 will certainly be hired. Extraordinary numbers that highlight the great planning that the Liguria Region is carrying out in the training field”.

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