Postgraduate Masters, the Region invests 6 million to curb the “brain drain”

Postgraduate Masters, the Region invests 6 million to curb the “brain drain”
Postgraduate Masters, the Region invests 6 million to curb the “brain drain”

CATANZARO A total investment of 6 million euros, 2 million for each academic year of the next three years: this is what the public notice with which the Calabria Region finances professionalizing post-graduate master’s degrees for young Calabrian graduates provides, in order to enhance the skills of Calabrian graduates and facilitate their entry into the world of work. The details of the public notice – which can be consulted in full at the end of this article – were illustrated by the vice president of the Council with responsibility for Education Giusi Princi in a press conference at the Cittadella. The notice is in fact promoted by the Education Department of the Calabria Region and provides funding, in the form of vouchers, for first and second level post-graduate master’s degrees for Calabrian graduates: the voucher has a maximum value of 10 thousand euros for each beneficiary. A scholarship, with a maximum value of €6,656.52, can be added to the voucher to cover the costs of the master’s degree to cover travel, food and accommodation expenses, if the following conditions are met: ISEE income lower than €10,490.00, degree grade of at least 104/110.

The rector of the Umg of Catanzaro Giovanni Cuda

The voucher – it was explained in a press conference – can be requested to cover the costs of enrollment for first and second level post-graduate master’s degrees carried out in Italy and abroad, provided by Italian and foreign universities, public and private, recognized by national law, recognized AFAM (Higher Artistic and Musical Education) institutions, post-graduate master’s degrees accredited by Asfor (Association for Managerial Training) or Equis (European Quality Improvement System) or Aacsb (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) provided by public and private advanced training institutes. The following are eligible: training courses provided in person or in mixed mode (blended) with a maximum percentage of 20% of online training, master’s degrees not yet started at the date of submission of the application. Those who have been resident in Calabria for at least six months from the date of submission of the application and who have a three-year degree, specialist/master’s degree can apply to obtain the voucher. The press conference was also attended by representatives of the Calabrian universities, including the rector of the Umg of Catanzaro, Giovanni Cuda: «This is excellent news for the Calabrian university system, I must thank Councilor Princi for this initiative that – explained Cuda – responds to the needs of our young graduates, many of whom objectively have difficulty approaching masters, even simply for economic reasons. So once again the Region was very quick and very attentive to these requests and above all it did so with a specific objective, that is, to try to finance masters initiatives that then have a professional outlet. So this is very important in a region like ours in which our best minds tend to abandon our territory precisely because these opportunities are lacking». The regional managers Maria Francesca Gatto and Menotti Lucchetta supported Princi in illustrating the notice.

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