Eight stars back in Bagheria for the Summer Solstice – Grand Orient of Italy

Eight stars back in Bagheria for the Summer Solstice – Grand Orient of Italy
Eight stars back in Bagheria for the Summer Solstice – Grand Orient of Italy

The VII Session Under the Stars, organized in Bagheria by the District College of the Venerable Masters of Sicily on the occasion of the Summer Solstice, represented a moment of growth, reflection and jubilation. Almost five hundred Brothers, coming from the Sicilian East and other districts, gathered in a Session marked by the sounds of Tibetan bells and the lights of the sunset that made the facade of one of the most beautiful buildings in Bagheria, Villa Rosa, shine, made famous by the film “Baarìa” by Giuseppe Tornatore.

On this occasion, now a tradition for the Collegio Sicilia, the President Massimo Antonio Fiore welcomed to the East important figures such as the Deputy Grand Masters Sandro Cosmai and Giuseppe Trumbatore, the Honorary Grand Master Michele Pietrangeli, the Second Grand Supervisor Raffaele Sechi, the President of the First Section of the Central Court Rosario Sansone, the Secretary Alberto Moschini and the Judges of the Central Court Gianluca Altini, Pietro Quattrocchi and Giuseppe Cassia. Also present were the Grand Architect Auditor Giuseppe Labita and the Councilors of the Order Antonino Callaci, Giovanni Cricchio, Enrico La Grutta and Geri Muscolino.

The Orator of the College, Giuseppe Brischetto, traced a Table that outlined the path for an interior work, facing the modern challenges of technology, also cited by the philosopher Umberto Galimberti. There were moments of inspiration and condolence, such as the memory of. Luigi Vispi, President of the College of Tuscany, and the former Secretary of the College of Sicily, Giovanni Quattrone, the latter figure closely linked to the organization and history of the Summer Solstice.

“Remembering the deep sense of belonging that distinguishes Freemasons to return to Tradition”, this is the heart of the speech of the Deputy Grand Master Trumbatore who greeted and thanked the many Brothers who came from far away. A gift from the College of Umbria, delivered personally by the President Andrea Galli, sealed a relationship of friendship between the districts. During the ceremony, the prestigious Giordano Bruno honor was awarded to three Sicilian Brothers who distinguished themselves for their commitment and dedication.

At the end of the meeting, a white Agape brought together the Brothers and their families for a final dinner, enriched by fireworks, music and excellent Sicilian food.

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