Baker Hughes in Corigliano-Rossano, a historic opportunity at risk?

Baker Hughes in Corigliano-Rossano, a historic opportunity at risk?
Baker Hughes in Corigliano-Rossano, a historic opportunity at risk?

The investment Baker Hughes in the Port of Corigliano could be at risk due to the uncertainty of Mayor Flavio Stasi. Or, at least, this is what the opposition led by the regional councilor thinks Pasqualina Straface which compares the mayor’s attitude to that of “an absolute monarch who makes decisions as a single man.”

“Continue to repeat, as the Mayor of Corigliano-Rossano does, that, in the absence of a Port planningmust be systematically reset and postponed without time any evaluation of any investment and any opportunity for greater employment and development, is equivalent to saying today to Baker Hughes: go away, because we don’t need anything here, we’ll talk about it again perhaps in the next decades!

For Straface “no longer tolerable, from any point of view, than on issues of strategic importance for the future of the largest city in Calabria and of its territory, the Mayor continues to claim to evaluate, analyze, study and above all decide on his own what is best or not, without any involvement of all socio-economic actors and legitimate interest holders, such as trade unions”.

“The mayor must confront the City Council”

“Unfortunately, in these last five years, Flavio Stasi has been treated very badlyalso due to the shared responsibility of those who could and should have simply reiterated that a mayor elected by the citizens is not only not an absolute monarch but he has the essential duty to confront himself, to share and involve the City Council first and foremostespecially on the major issues of development. Something he has never done.”

“It is unacceptable that objective, extraordinary and historic investment opportunities such as the one advanced today by Baker Hughes and tomorrow by other companies, are liquidated, alone and in the privacy of some municipal room, like an official decision on which road to asphalt or not. Enough with the logic, offensive for a large city like Corigliano-Rossano, of the site manager or the director of works. Enough with demagogy and populism on everything”.

“While the South grows, Co-Ro remains isolated”

“What is even more serious is that this latest obstructionism by Stasi it happens in a period in which with over 200 billion between European resources, PNRR, ordinary funds and incentives for the South, there is no other area at the moment in Italy and in Europe where it is more convenient to invest today”.

“This means that Corigliano-Rossano, with these non-ideological and founded on nothing, risks continuing to remain isolated within a Calabria and a South that have instead become a real magnet for investments and for creating jobs. We cannot allow this”.

“Stakeholders must be involved with data in hand”

“I am the continuous personal opinions are unacceptable and irrelevantthe systematic subjective evaluations and the ideological positions of Flavio Stasi told on social media. And it is intolerable that swithout any institutional comparison, above all with the new City Councilwithout any broad public debate, especially without data, numbers, analyses and scientific studies that are mandatory for any comparison on the merits, he arrogates to himself the right to even take questionable legal initiatives to nip in the bud the realisation of important projects, damaging everyone”.

“We will not allow investments to be driven away”

“We will not retreat one millimeter on the need, now denounced by all the categories involved, to guarantee maximum administrative transparency on all decision-making moments relating to this matter and others” – concludes Straface.

Allow this arrogant method to be repeated and autocratic would mean both continuing to authorize Stasi to dismantleas it has done up to now, what remains of democracy in this City; both to definitively remove from this territory any further investment and development hypothesis, continuing to isolate us”.

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