Anastacia Announces 2025 Tour: Three Dates in Italy

Anastacia Announces 2025 Tour: Three Dates in Italy
Anastacia Announces 2025 Tour: Three Dates in Italy

Four dates in Italy for the Queen of sprock. In March Anastasia will return to our country to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the release of Not That Kindhis first album containing the iconic single I’m Outta Love.

Anastacia, the dates of the European tour

From Spain to the United Kingdom passing through Switzerland, Germany, France, Ireland and many other nations, including of course Italy which has always had a special place in her heart for the American artist. In 2025 Anastacia will be on tour to bring grit, fun and of course the songs that have made her one of the most appreciated artists internationally.

Twenty-five years of successes, emotions and memories. Anastacia will celebrate another very important milestone. In March the artist will also be in Italy, more precisely in Turin, Rome, Milan and Padua.

Here are the dates in Italy:

  • March 19, 2025, Turin
  • March 22, 2025, Rome
  • March 24, 2025, Milan
  • March 25, 2025, Padua

in-depth analysis

Anastacia’s 55th birthday: her most famous songs

Among his most appreciated works we find the homonymous album, released in 2004 and containing Left Outside Alone, Sick and Tired, Welcome To My Truth e Heavy On My Heart. During her career, the singer has also received numerous awards and recognitions.

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