Laconic note from Marica Barrera, excluded from the new council of Alessandria

Laconic note from Marica Barrera, excluded from the new council of Alessandria
Laconic note from Marica Barrera, excluded from the new council of Alessandria

There is also the former deputy mayor Marica Barrera among the figures not reconfirmed by the mayor Giorgio Abonante in the new municipal council, in her place the centrist Giovanni Barosini.

Marica Barrera out of the team

In a long note that was, to say the least, laconic, the now former deputy mayor of Alessandria, Marica Barrierexplains his regret for the decision of the sindigo Abundant to exclude her from new council: “I have always worked for the good of the city and I would have remained in the executive”.

Service by Ketti Porceddu

The words of Marica Barrera

“I learned that, after Mayor Abonante had asked me if I was available to continue the work of the council, I was not reconfirmed as councilor. – comment Marica Barrier in a note – I had communicated to the Mayor, who at that moment thanked me for having accepted, my long-considered availability to continue the path of political-administrative commitment undertaken up to now. I would have remained in the executive out of respect for the city and for the action that the Mayor had asked me to continue. Yesterday I learned that I was not part of the new team from a phone call from him”.

“In these 2 years I have worked with energy and passion alongside the Mayor and the Municipal Board – adds Barrera-, to contribute to the development of our city, to face with pragmatism and ideal impetus the countless critical issues and daily emergencies of the administration”.

“I believed in the alliance of progressive forces and in the relationship between civics, activism and parties. I then appreciated the balance that led to the so-called long fieldwhen the Mayor himself indicated the City Council as the place where politics can find balances and collaborations or alliances. In this perspective I positively evaluated the transparent method with which Abonante had made explicit, even before the second round vote, his firm will not to change the structure of the alliance, affirming that he would never integrate into the executive role the one who had led the alternative government proposal to his own or a representative who had run for that project.

The proposal of to comply with Councilor Barosini’s requests today for the most delicate and trusted role, it overturns the logic with which we presented ourselves to the citizens and, nevertheless, I imagined that it could be right for the city to put the interests and needs of continuity in the administrative action before personal evaluations and distrust towards this new project. But at the end of the modifications, the Abonante list loses the position of Deputy Mayor and no longer has full representationauthentically civic, given the appointment as councilor, in the list quota, of someone who has a leading role in the governing bodies of the Democratic Party.

I have never had any reason to think that there was a negative judgement on my work and the request that was made to me to accept the role of councillor, with agreement on the delegations, is a confirmation of this. Yet, in the end, the numbers didn’t add up and, despite having received the most votes on the list, I was excluded.
Perhaps, sometimes, more than skills, dedication, assiduous and constant commitment, what counts is the weight of those who can assert power relations and percentages and raise the spectre of a contrary vote in the council. And visions risk being bridled and weakened by convenience.
In these hours I have received countless messages from people who respect me, more than I could ever imagine. These are things that, in the face of drying up human relationships or in the face of a lack of respect, warm the heart.

I will continue to carry out my political and civic engagement role with the same passion and dedication as always, and I will try to find new ways to contribute to the progress of our community.
Loyalty to Giorgio, even before loyalty to Mayor Giorgio Abonante, cannot but be expressed according to that coherence that has been the hallmark of my life, almost a categorical imperative that has informed all the choices I have made, whether personal or political. Over 15 years of knowledge, sharing of paths, political and administrative, are not weighed lightly”.

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