The shots of the young photographer who disappeared are on display

The shots of the young photographer who disappeared are on display
The shots of the young photographer who disappeared are on display

Remember Nicolò Ulivi, the young photographer from Forlì who tragically died in a road accident, showing some of the moments captured with his camera: it is with this objective that the idea of Beautiful Things – Moments of Lifea photography exhibition organized by The Web Factory, the creative agency that Nicolò was part of and helped create. The event will take place on Tuesday, July 23 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the agency’s headquarters, in Viale Vittorio Veneto 91A. The exhibition will consist of a selection of the most representative shots taken by Nicolò, including agency projects, images related to Pallacanestro Forlì – his great passion – and personal photographs. All to remember a friend and an incredible professional, showing the way he saw and lived the world.

“We have spent the last seven years with Nico, experiencing a friend and a passionate professional. We have seen him shoot thousands of times, improving day after day until he became the incredible photographer he was, thanks to his natural talent, consistency and passion that he always put into every project. Precisely for this reason, organizing an exhibition of his photographs seemed to us the most natural way to remember him, continuing to show people the emotions that he himself intended to convey with his shots”, explains Alessandro Rinaldini, operations director of The Web Factory

The exhibition “Beautiful Things – Moments” of life will be free to enter, with optional but welcome reservations at During the event it will be possible to purchase the photographs on display; the proceeds will be entirely donated to charitable purposes. The Chicchiamo food truck of Cavarei Impresa Sociale will be present for the entire duration of the exhibition for a small refreshment corner.

“We believe that Beautiful Things – Moments of Life can be for us and for all those who knew Nicolò a moment of memory and sharing. However, we hope that it can also be for those who did not know him an opportunity to see the beautiful things in the world as he saw them, to continue to spread the emotions that with his art he made indelible”, concludes Rinaldini.

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