Vote in Modena, Mezzetti loses his ‘kindness’: the right returns to being the ‘enemy’ – Il Punto

Vote in Modena, Mezzetti loses his ‘kindness’: the right returns to being the ‘enemy’ – Il Punto
Vote in Modena, Mezzetti loses his ‘kindness’: the right returns to being the ‘enemy’ – Il Punto

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He resisted for almost the entire election campaign. He avoided frontal attacks on his opponents. He spoke about his own proposals, without discrediting those of others. He was far from sterile anti-fascist rhetoric. He even shared some of the ideas coming from the center-right. But in the end, five days before the vote, the call of the forest of ‘us’ against ‘them’, of ‘good’ against ‘evil’, of the ‘light of love’ fighting the ‘darkness of hate’, he had the upper hand.
The center-left candidate Massimo Mezzetti last night at the final party in Piazza Pomposa in Modena succumbed to the most classic of electoral campaign clichés. The ones dear to Bonaccini and Muzzarelli, the ones always. Those far from culture and profound quotes, far from dreams and utopias, those shouted with the big vein around their neck and who receive easy belly applause, a belly full of zampone and fried dumplings even on August 15th.

Because Modena, ‘rich and desperate without knowing it’, likes it that way. Other than vegetarians.

Mezzetti has lost his kindness, transformed into slogans on signs and flyers in recent months. He used over half the time of his final rally to attack the ‘right’ (the other half to design an ideal city as if the political party it represents had not governed for 80 years). An attack on the ‘enemy’: in Rome as at a local level. A right designed selfishly against a supportive center-left, a right that marginalizes the weak against a left that welcomes everyone, model Saint Francis, so much so that the Democratic Party governs in Assisi.
‘The right wants to hand us over to the worst autocratic right in Europe. We have the duty to oppose this right, morally and even more than politically. In short, oppose ‘morally’ as if it were a war, as if there was someone to defeat, an enemy in fact.

Even a right described as guiltily and consciously disinterested in the fight against the mafia: ‘On the fight against the large criminal organizations that operate behind the backs of drug dealers, the right, notice, is always silent: it never talks about the mafia organizations present in the area, the ndrangheta, the Camorra, the mafia… – Mezzetti said verbatim -. They never talk about it. Why don’t they ever talk about it? They haven’t talked about it for years.” Why don’t they ever talk about it? Rhetorical questions, light breezes, as if to refer to collusions, connivances, agreements between the coalition now led by Negrini and evil. Lunar clothes.

Yet it goes like this. Too bad because for a few weeks someone believed it. He had believed in the idea of ​​another policy, not shouting, not aggressive, respectful of other people’s ideas and capable of seeing in the other an adversary thanks to which he could improve himself and not an enemy to be destroyed to affirm his own ego, his own useless candies. A few decades of glory before the dust of infinity. No, another world is not possible. Even the ‘culturally elevated’ Mezzetti, the different politician without a PD card, has proven to be like everyone else. When the going gets tough, anything goes: trips, insults, low blows and allusions. Just to win, just to keep the System it represents intact. It is also worth accusing opponents of keeping quiet about the mafias, imagining they have exclusivity on legality.
Sin. Yet in all this, for Luca Negrini – not for those in Fdi who have guiltily and shamefully given up on it for months – some good news has arrived from last night’s stage. If Massimo Mezzetti needed to show his face as more muscular than her, then perhaps not even the PD System has all this certainty of winning first place. And who knows, without the need to make kindness a manifesto, without the need to call oneself good, to wear jeans and Clarks to feel close to the people, Negrini at 33 years old, with his Marinella tie and Rolex on his wrist, might be able to give a lesson in education and, why not, in humility.
Giuseppe Leonelli

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