The “Calabria Design Festival” returns to Cosenza

The “Calabria Design Festival” returns to Cosenza
The “Calabria Design Festival” returns to Cosenza

In the National Gallery at Palazzo Arnone three days of meetings (7, 8, 9 June) while from 7 June to 10 July exhibitions and installations dedicated to design, architecture, graphics, fashion and photography. Thus Calabria tries to catch up in a circuit that sees it at 0.2% of investments in design and visual communication and similar

Calabria Design Festival returns in the name of “Necessary Beauty”.

The “Calabria Design Festival” returns to Cosenza

The 2024 exhibition, in contrast to the national data which sees Calabria in last place for systemic investments in the field of design, inaugurates its third edition with a central exhibition dedicated to Calabrian creative talent. A month-long event, from 7 June to 7 July in Cosenza, in the National Gallery at Palazzo Arnone and in the church of San Rocco finally reopened to the public. Starting from June 7, it will be possible to visit a series of exhibitions and installations dedicated to design, architecture, graphics, fashion and photography. Three key days, however, will be concentrated in particular on seminars and debates in which current issues in the sector will be addressed.

Some data: according to the Symbola Foundation report, Calabria is last in Italy with only 0.2% of investments in design (products, graphics, packaging, visual communication, etc.).

On these premises, the Riagita Scientific Society, promoter of the Calabria Design Festival, aims to raise awareness of institutions, companies and administrations on the importance of design as a strategic lever for development and change, even in a difficult and complex region like Calabria.

A Festival for Calabrian Creative Talent

The protagonist of this edition will be the exhibition of projects, images and graphics by independent Calabrian creatives and designers, selected through the “Calabria Creativa Mapping” call. This call brought together over 120 professional figures including graphic designers, illustrators, designers, architects, photographers, chefs and artisans, all born in Calabria, but mostly currently operating elsewhere. The map of these talents will be contained in a continuously updated digital site.

Design and Environmental Sustainability

Design for environmental sustainability, especially in Calabria, becomes an essential tool for improving environmental, urban and business conditions, promoting the ecological transition and the adoption of necessary green production processes.

The program from 7 to 9 June, events and exhibitions

The inauguration of the “Calabria Design Festival” is scheduled for Palazzo Arnone June 7th at 4.30pm with an opening conference by the architect Alessandro Cambi of the IT’S Vision studio, recent winner of the redevelopment project of the Termini Station square in Rome. Followed at 7pm, a musical performance by architect Tommaso Muto will introduce the installation “Di Passo in Passo” by Rosa Vetrano, a tribute to the desire and need to reconcile with nature. Also in the courtyard of Palazzo Arnone, the “Creative Calabria Mapping” exhibition, in the reception area of ​​the Museum the photographic exhibition entitled “Photographic journey to the South, between modern ruins and classical suggestions”, with images by Luca Chistè, and there will also be a part dedicated to the technology and design of fixtures curated by COGES. June 8th it will instead be dedicated to the launch of the dialogue and discussion platform “I-CALAB/Innovation Competition Calabria”aimed at highlighting how collaboration between designers and businesses can generate innovation in our region. Also on June 8th, at 7pmthe church of San Rocco will open to the public with a personal exhibition by architect Giulia Brutto entitled “The beauty of living”.

June 9th, at 10amwill take place “Calabria Creativa Mapping” award ceremonywith eight awards given to various Calabrian creative talents, in the presence of representatives from the world of design, culture and business.

All exhibitions within this edition will remain open until July 10th and will be accompanied by further events between June and July.

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