Silvano Sarti Award, final initiative with students and Flc in Florence – CGIL Florence

Silvano Sarti Award, final initiative with students and Flc in Florence – CGIL Florence
Silvano Sarti Award, final initiative with students and Flc in Florence – CGIL Florence

For the schools of Florence and its province, the figure of Silvano Sarti, the Pillo partisan, has represented for years a tireless and passionate witness, who has passed on so much to the new generations in countless initiatives with students in our area.

To enhance its commitment to disseminating the values ​​of anti-fascism and the active memory of the Resistance, the Metropolitan Chamber of Labor of Florence, the FLC Cgil and the SPI Cgil have
the Silvano Sarti Award “Stories, people and places of the Resistance in Florence and its province” has been announced for the second consecutive year.

Originally aimed at lower secondary schools, this edition of the competition was held in a special format and also involved upper secondary schools, given the particular anniversary of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Florence.

The competition aims to promote the culture of memory, with particular regard to the events of the Florentine Resistance, which the students have reworked in an original and interdisciplinary way, through multiple forms of artistic, literary, communicative and multimedia expression

The two winning classes of the competition (one for each of the two school levels) were identified by the jury composed of Matteo Mazzoni (Tuscan Historical Institute of the Resistance and the Contemporary Age), Cristina Arba (Camera del Lavoro), (FLC Cgil) , Mario Batistini (SPI Cgil), and had the opportunity to carry out an educational trip to the Historical Museum of Sant’Anna di Stazzema.

Today, at the Chamber of Labor in Florence, the certificates of participation were delivered to some delegations of the classes involved, who on the occasion will talk about their work. Their works are exhibited on the Flc Cgil Firenze website, in a special section sort of virtual museum.

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