Coldiretti Asti’s tribute to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella

Coldiretti Asti’s tribute to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella
Coldiretti Asti’s tribute to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella

ASTI Also Coldiretti Astiin the role of president Monica Monticone and the director John Redpaid homage to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, on an official visit to the city of Vittorio Alfieri to renew the thought of gratitude towards Giovanni Goria, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of his death.

Mattarella, during his speech, recalled the peasant tradition and vocation par excellence of the Asti province. The Head of State, a few weeks earlier during his visit to Calabria for Labor Day, had highlighted the importance of the agricultural sector for the quantity of wealth it produces and redistributes. To about, Coldiretti declared: «The national agri-food sector represents the country’s main wealth and offers work to millions of people, involved in 740 thousand agricultural companies, 70 thousand food industries, over 330 thousand catering companies and 230 thousand retail outlets».

The president of Asti, Monica Monticone, commented: «Mattarella’s prestigious visit was for us a source of great pride and gratitude for the attention and sensitivity that the president usually reserves for every corner of our wonderful country and for the people who live there. As a symbolic tribute of esteem and gratitude we gave him a gift, the result of the work of our farmers who, increasingly, represent the best image of Italy that is worthy.” He added the Monticone: «Our commitment has always been towards the protection of the dignity of work and the person, the defense of agri-food and the environment, as well as the valorisation of the excellences that the whole world envies us, strengthened by an ancient culture Mediterranean experience and knowledge. Certainly, President Mattarella will appreciate the most authentic flavors of this province and we hope that he brings with him the most beautiful memories of this territory, of our farmers and of the fruits of the Asti land, sharing with us the importance of preserving their virtues and values ​​over time and among the people.”

The director Red concluded: «We are certain that the concerns of the agricultural sector are among the issues under the attention of the Head of State. On several occasions, he demonstrated that he was fully aware of it and appreciated the commitment and virtues of the category with its products. We trust that his thoughts and vision can always guide government policies in the best possible way, so that the principles and values ​​that regulate them continue to be a bulwark of security, fairness, protection and respect for all.”

Manuela Zoccola

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