The exhibition “Works from a collection” inaugurated at Maso Spilzi in Folgaria | Gazzetta delle Valli

This afternoon the vernissage was held in the presence of the top management of the cooperative credit institution, the curators of the exhibition and institutional representatives.

“With this exhibition Cassa Rurale Vallagarina ideally wants to give its members, customers and communities a significant cross-section of its artistic heritage – explains the president Maurizio MaffeiHeritage acquired over the years, with the aim of enhancing the creative expressions of its territories served on a daily basis with the headquarters and the network of branches”.

On display are the works of a considerable number of artists: Ernesto Giuliano Armani, Roberto Marcello Baldessari, Silvio Cattani, Luciano Civettini, Piero Coelli, Mario Dalla Fini, Giuseppe Debiasi, Alberto Forchini, Maurizio Giongo, Diego Giovanazzi, Cirillo and Florian Grott, Attilio Lasta, Guido Mattuzzi, Enrico Meneghelli, Neno Mori, Margherita Pavesi Mazzoni, Alessandro Pavone, Valentina Port, Albino Rossi, Carlo Sartori, Riccardo Schweizer, Annalia Spagnolli, Mariuccia Spagnolli, Annamaria Targher, Rolando Tessadri, Gianni Turella, Loreta Vaccari Foss, Luigi Vicentini.

The mayor of Folgaria, Michael Rech, the culture councilor of the Municipality of Folgaria Stefania Schir, Benedetta Vicentini who oversaw the archival research and editing of the catalog “A collection” of the Cassa thanks to the internship experience, Remo Forchini curator of the exhibition, the art critic Fiorenzo Degasperi.

The exhibition held last winter in the historic rooms of Candelpergher Palaceseat of the Municipality of Nogaredofinds a further continuation in the large spaces of the noble residence of Maso Spilzi in Folgaria, a rare example of eighteenth-century fortified architecture in which popular imagination places one of the places where the echo of the harsh and penetrating voice of the mythical witch Brava Part reached, coming from the cave-dwelling on the tormented path of the Rio Cavallo/Rosspach – writes DegasperiPresented here is a selection of works taken from the rich collection of the Cassa Rurale, augmented by works by artists who operate or have operated in the territory of the Cimbrian plateau, or who have their origins or spend their daily lives here. The exhibition is also an opportunity to come into contact with unpublished works by artists and sculptors who have made mountain culture one of their primary visual interests. The many painters and sculptors present offer an individual and particular look at nature, both figurative and abstract, in the awareness that shapes, volumes and spaces are elements that contribute to presenting a continuous and renewed relationship with what lies outside we. Therefore not only an art that portrays the world but also an art that seeks to interpret the events of the heart and soul in relation to new feelings of nature”.

The exhibition will be open to visitors until Sunday 7 July. Hours: Saturday and Sunday 10am-12pm and 3pm-6pm. From Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th July also open midweek from 3pm to 6pm.

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