“No upgrades for the Parma police headquarters”

“We sadly learn from the latest ministerial personnel distribution plan that no upgrades are planned for the Parma Police Headquarters for the month of June. The budget will remain at zero between retired policemen or those transferred to other locations and staff “incoming” to the Police Headquarters ducal. An alarming fact, given the progressive and constant increase in the average age of colleagues, in the workload and in operational needs. Despite the recent change of direction after the disastrous years of the spending review and the linear cuts in the police force suffered in the last decade, as the provincial secretariat of the SAP Autonomous Police Union we believe it is our duty to express strong dissent regarding this decision which will increase not only the critical issues of some offices but also the discontent among colleagues. We want to remember, as emerges from the latest ones ISTAT data, that our region is the third in Italy for resident foreign population with almost 560,000 inhabitants registered for which the various Immigration Offices must manage all residence procedures. These offices, now exhausted and with fewer and fewer staff, have found themselves facing constant and continuous emergency situations for years, just think of the recent landing emergencies, the previous Ukrainian refugee emergency, the Mare Nostrum and Triton operations between 2013 and 2018.

The serious staff shortages of the Parma Police Headquarters, which we have always denounced, are confirmed again this year in the annual statistics of the “LAB24” column of the national newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”. Just to mention just some of the 2023 data that emerged at a national level, Parma is in 2nd place for reports of home robberies, 3rd place for thefts in commercial establishments, 4th place for malicious injuries, 5th place for violence sexual assaults on minors under 14 years of age and robberies in commercial establishments, in 6th place criminal association, in 7th place thefts from homes. From these data it emerges that at a national level after Rimini and Bologna, Parma is statistically the third province of Emilia Romagna in terms of incidence of crimes.

Despite this, beyond the mere statistical data, it is clear and visible to all citizens how much the degradation and crime that afflict our city has increased, for which we believe it is necessary to provide for a constant and continuous increase in personnel of the Preccint”.

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