Zeynep feels guilty…

Here’s what the previews tell us about the episode of My Home My Destiny broadcast on June 20, 2024 on Canale 5: Benal disappears into thin air, and Zeynep thinks it’s all her fault…

The previews from the Turkish soap opera on Canale 5, My Home My Destiny they will amaze us. In the’episode aired on June 20, 2024at 2.45pm, Benal he comes kidnapped by Serhat. Meanwhile, Zeynep feels guilty Why certain that the young woman is gone home after that the two of them they discussed. Now, both Zeynep and Mujgan fear that something bad could happen to Benal and the baby she is carrying. On the other hand, hers is already a complicated pregnancy…

My Home My Destiny Previews: Benal is pregnant, but…

Benal is pregnant, but no one welcomed the news of this pregnancy with happiness. Indeed, Sultan, Cemile And Zelihathe moment they became aware of it, they even offered some money to the woman to disappear from circulation, all three convinced that the birth of the child would represent nothing more than a problem for Mehdi, who had recently married Zeynep. On the other hand, both Mehdi and his wife, however, want the baby to come into the world.

My Home My Destiny Previews: Benal is kidnapped!

At Zeliha’s house, tension is running high. Here I am forced into forced coexistence with Benal, who knows perfectly well that she is not welcome and that no one believes her, especially Mujgan. So, the nurse he began to think that lto a better thing for everyone it was Leave. At this point the mechanic promptly intervened to object. Mehdi told her that until Serhather despicable ex-husband, it will not become harmless, it will have to stay there, so that he could protect her. Unfortunately, however, even in this way he was not able to rescue her from Serhat’s clutches…

Zeynep feels guilty, in the Previews of My Home My Destiny of June 20, 2024

Zeynep has just discovered that Benal has disappeared into thin air. The young woman is convinced That the blame is all her: certainly the rival must have decided to leave home after they had a violent argument. Now, both Zeynep and her sister-in-law, Mujgan, have a strong fear that something bad might happen to her, and that something bad might happen to the baby she is carrying. What the two don’t know is that Benal’s removal was not voluntary: the terrible ex-husband kidnapped her!

Let’s find out all the Weekly previews of My Home My Destiny from 17 to 21 June 2024.

My Home My Destiny goes on air from Monday to Friday on Canale5 starting from 2.45pm.

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