the (venomous) reply after the gaffes on Battiti Live

the (venomous) reply after the gaffes on Battiti Live
the (venomous) reply after the gaffes on Battiti Live

He intervenes Ilary Blasi. Following the Controversy on Battiti Livewhere the presenter did some slip up too much (like reading the teleprompter and admitting it), she herself is keen to clarify a couple of things. They have accused of pretendingin essence, of being less than transparent and even less genuine. But before the episodes of Beatsfrom July 8th on Channel 5, Totti’s ex thought it was a good idea curb bad moods. Also because there are two more episodes to bring home, in the splendid location of Molfetta. With the (looming) ghost of some other sensational gaffe. Let’s see all the details below.

Ilary Blasi, the (piqued) reply after the gaffes

It’s the opportunity for relaunch. The time has come to show Mediaset, once and for all, what it has lost by focusing on Luxuria for The Island of the Famous. Ilary Blasi, somewhat sidelined by the top brass, is now relaunching herself with the hosting of Battiti Live. The first episodes have gone: excellent recordings in Molfetta, from 21st to 24th June. Now, July 6th and 7thit will be the second round. While the already concluded epics will be broadcast from July 8th on Canale 5. But in the meantime we only talk about gaffes.

In fact Blasi, although very good and lively, she tripped a couple of times. Ilary is not new to funny gaffes, it must be said. Yet this time they seemed a bit too many. For example: the presenter reserved for the singer Irama a comment that seemed spontaneoustalking about orchestral and electronic sounds in his new single. Salvo then admit to having read All from the hunchback. Then there was the gaffe of the microphones left open. It was clearly felt fight behind the sceneswith the staff taking care of the entrances on stage. In addition, Ilary has indulged in a series of somewhat forced jokes to various singers. And here too there are those who have smelled a lack of genuineness.

For this reason, in the first post-interviews BeatsIlary Blasi he wanted to clarify things. Is it really true that she pretends when the cameras film her? No, no, assures Chanel Totti’s mother. In real life she says that she doesn’t like to pretend at alland she doesn’t like to pretend to know everything, at all costs. She wants to appear spontaneousof course. For this reason, she sometimes stumbles into some understandable gaffes. Soon, however, we will see on TV the exact extent of Ilary’s slip-ups. Because for now we are relying on social indiscretionsto the voices of the insiders and those who were in the audience of Beatsin Molfetta. It is likely that the alarm will then subside. In any case, the revived Blasi will hardly be discouraged by the first signs of hatred. Her stuff is different.

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