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“I want to start working right away.” First meeting with the ‘No antenna’

“I want to start working right away.” First meeting with the ‘No antenna’
“I want to start working right away.” First meeting with the ‘No antenna’

Alessio Mantellassi is ready to reveal his board. He will do it officially tomorrow with a press conference, but to increase the anticipation yesterday he wanted to anticipate something on Facebook by reaching out to the most ‘geeky’ Empoli residents. “Here we are, I have worked a lot on my team in recent days – he said in the live social broadcast – because I want to start working immediately. In the meantime, the municipal council has been announced, made up of 15 members of the majority and nine of the opposition: I will my congratulations to everyone, wishing us five years of discussion and discussion always for the good of the city”. A city with which, the new mayor specified, he will also want to communicate using technology with virtual appointments to take stock of his government actions from week to week. “I will use Facebook live to tell what I am doing to reiterate how central the immediate relationship with the citizens is for me – he added –. It is no coincidence that my first move was to also open up to free receptions, in addition to those with appointments , every Thursday calculating that we can receive eight/nine people for quarter-hour talks. Nothing earth-shattering, no, but a small sign of openness from the administration”. Then the focus on the first moves.

Antenna chapter, here is the freshest news. “Yesterday (Friday, ed.) I met the citizens of Via Val Pusteria as promised before the ballot. I went to them, at the permanent assembly on Friday, because we must maintain what we say. We discussed the possibilities we have: in recent days I have addressed the issue with the managers, the possibilities of regulation of the administration which are in fact already used. I have made the commitment to start the modification of the antenna plan and strengthen the transparency and information tools on the part of the council and dialogue with the companies that install the antennas in the area. Everything always to mediate and protect situations that affect the lives of citizens, without promising coercive interventions that it cannot do, but by listening to the people and trying to study the possibilities we have, trying to be an element of common sense and dialogue with respect to telephone companies and the interests of citizens. It’s not easy, but I wanted to be there because the mayor must be there where there is a need. Excessive deregulation which effectively ties the hands of administrations is wrong because we need government tools to protect our communities and find points of agreement.”

Railway doubling. “I asked Ferrovie to take stock of the construction site. Requests have already been forwarded by the previous administration on the day that President Eugenio Giani and I went to Fontanella. I reiterated that the requests that emerged from citizens and the committee are supported also from me and from the current administration. I will strongly ask not only for maximum listening, but also maximum availability in the relationship with the interesting fractions. We will also talk about it as soon as there is news”.

Violence against animals. “I signed an ordinance after the case of mistreatment of a rabbit which was then killed and abandoned near the hospital – added Mantellassi –. I received many emails asking me to take a position: there is a regulation from 2007 on the very advanced animal welfare which is added to the national legislation, I wanted to take up its contents and the specific case, relaunching the topic of sanctions (to be adjusted in the city council) and controls”.

Budget chapter. “We must make the first maneuver on the surplus, there will be resources to allocate useful for defining the first choices following my electoral program. First of all, safety, which I said was a priority and I do not take it back: safety must not be a taboo. If there are areas in greater difficulty, we must intervene on those. Not everything can be solved immediately, I do not have a magic wand, but in the meantime we will start with projects in terms of decorum and life of the squares, as we promised. Then the maintenance: we will invest in roads and sidewalks. As soon as the council is established, we will work on the plan for the hamlets and neighborhoods. It is for September, but I want to start setting it up now, always taking up the points of the electoral program. All with a presence work area by area of ​​the administration, for a program to be included already in the budget forecast for 2025”.

Elisa Capobianco

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