Alex Marangon, in the diary given by his friend a clue to understand the disappearance

Alex Marangon, in the diary given by his friend a clue to understand the disappearance
Alex Marangon, in the diary given by his friend a clue to understand the disappearance

MARCON – It could be some pages of diary to tell something more about Alex Marangonthe 26 year old from Marcon who has been missing since Saturday night. He was last seen in the Abbey of Santa Bona in Otterwhere he had gone alone for a party.

The cell phone was found in the room of the abbey where the boy was supposed to spend the night: other personal effects were left in the car or in the room of the apartment in via Monte Grappa di Marcon where he lives with his family. There could be the notebook there where Alex has been jotting down his thoughts for some time.


“I gave it to him for his birthday,” recalls Matteo, Alex’s close friend and neighbor, “so he could use it to write down his thoughts and feelings. It was before Alex left for a trip to New Zealand. I always hope that he wanted to isolate himself for a few days without letting anyone know, but a few pages could provide some ideas to those who are looking for it, if that notebook is found.”
Still in vain, unfortunately, the searches that were certainly not made easier by the bad weather that hit the entire Veneto region yesterday. The firefighters worked non-stop yesterday from 10 in the morning until they could both on land and along the Piave with the divers, without finding any useful trace. The helicopter also remained in flight for a long time, but without success.
“We also went today (yesterday for those reading, ed.) to the search area – explained the sister, who works for the Railways in Bologna, from the intercom of the condominium in via Monte Grappa – but nothing. At this moment we really can’t say anything”.
Alex worked in Bolzano as a seasonal bartender and had returned to Marcon for a few days of vacation with family and friends.


“I tried several times – Matteo continues – to contact him, both with phone calls and messages. We were supposed to see each other one of these days. I met him on Thursday and we said that as soon as he got back from that party we would see each other, also because we live in the same building. He had invited me to a festival that was going on this week, I think it was called Pancha Canta (it will take place from Thursday to Sunday in Tuscany, in the province of Livorno, ed.). Instead – he continues – I would like to point out that Alex had not asked me to go to the party in Vidor. I know nothing about that and I don’t know who he might have gone with. That Thursday I was with his girlfriend and he had told me that he was leaving over the weekend and would then tell me a few things. Among other things, he had told me a lot about a friend he had met abroad who he wanted to introduce us to. This person, who I don’t know who she is, certainly won’t know anything about his disappearance. He had plans, I had seen him calm, that’s why I want to hope that he wanted to isolate himself from everything for a while and that we will find him again”.


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