Golden Microphone | Events&Shows AGR

Golden Microphone

(AGR) The 14th edition of the “Golden Microphone” Award will take place on Thursday 4 July 2024, at 5pm, an event dedicated to the world of radio organized by Fabrizio Pacifici. Also on this occasion the most popular and most followed, thanks to a quality jury and industry experts, special rewards will also be awarded during the event.

The event is promoted by the Hon. Fabrizio Santori, Secretary of the Capitoline Assembly

“In the year that celebrates the centenary of the first radio broadcast in Italy, this edition of “Microfono d’Oro’ becomes even more important, the now famous event defined as the ‘Oscar’ of radio, without forgetting those who work behind the scenes , those thanks to whom radio has been able to adapt and remain lively and fundamental in everyone’s daily life without the dire prediction of those who were convinced that TV would supplant it ever coming true.

If it didn’t happen like this and if all the premises authorize us to trust that the two mass media will continue their path side by side, we owe it to the great work of installers, sound technicians, editors as well as directors, designers of content, to technical developers of ever-new technologies, to web designers as well as to administrators and to those who deal with the commercial and promotional sectors.

A world that brings the world into the world, the most obvious one made up of talents of which we certainly have no shortage, presenters and editors, capable professionals, young people who, despite the multiplicity of today’s means of communication, choose the radio. Precisely for this reason, ability and merit must be rewarded and encouraged to continue to pursue excellence.

Art, entertainment, music, science, information, entertainment and culture, without forgetting the dissemination of communications and warnings for public safety. And the centenary radio is therefore younger and more modern than other communication channels, because while you listen you can do other things, at work as in your free time, and in its social and cultural scope, of education and discussion, it spreads more than others instruments from children to the elderly. A century, in fact, from celebrations to tragedies, from music from all over the world to the varied accents of stories resonant from the four extreme borders of the Peninsula”.

The Winners:

Information: Crossroads – Rai Isoradio. Myriam Fecchi

News: Two like us – Radio Monte Carlo. Rosaria Renna, Filippo Firli

Current affairs: Protagonists – RTL 102.5. Francesco Fredella, Francesco Taranto, Antonio Sica

DAB: Buongiorno Radio Kids – Rai Radio Kids. Arianna Ciampoli, Marco Di Buono, Pupazzo DJ

DAB: Close Friends – No Name Rai. Federica Longo

Culture: Igorà, everyone in the square – Rai Radio 1. Igor Righetti

Music: Crossover, 360 rpm music. Rai Isoradio. Alma Manera

Night: I Lunatici, Rai Radio 2. Roberto Arduini, Andrea Di Ciancio

Service: Italy that works, Rai Isoradio. Nancy Squitieri

Costume: With the Sisters of Italy, RID 98.8. Karma B

International: Pamela travels in Latin, Rai Isoradio. Pamela D’Amico

Environment: KM Zoom, Radio Libertà. Lorenzo Viviani, Antonino D’Anna

Politics: RID comparison, RID 96.8. Alessandra Paparelli

Social: The Social One, Radio Roma Sound FM 90.0. Antonello Sforza, Eva Cruciani

Web: Third Page Magazine. Alessandro Scarnecchia

Television Criticism: A Special Day, Radio Radio, Francesco Vergovich, Marco Vittiglio

Entertainment: Gli Inascoltabili, Radio Roma Sound FM 90.0. Lucrezia Di Bona, Romina Caprera, Elisa Di Iorio, Alessio Di Francesco, Camilla Caprera, Stefano Faina, Francesca Tessitore, Massimo Ciccozzi, Nicola Caprera

Under 18: Bambinando Oasi Park, Radio Godot. Cristina Campagna, Andrea Striano

Social: Only beautiful things, Radio Mater. Giorgio Gibertini

Comedy Show: Laughter, it’s all about chemistry, Radio Cusano Campus. Annamaria Fittipaldi, Giuseppe Abramo

Historical broadcaster: The Doctor’s daughter, Radio Popolare. Federico Esposito, Margherita Devalle

Web: Third Page Magazine, Alessandro Scarnecchia

Rome: I’ll give it to you Tokyo, Tele Radio Stereo 92.7. Mario Corsi, Jonathan Calò

Lazio: Never give up, Radio Sei. Stefano Pantano

Sports Current Affairs: Ferrero, not just sport, Radio Cusano Campus. Gianluca Scarlata, Massimo Ferrero

Sports coverage: Maracanà, TMW Radio. Marco Piccari, Stefano Impallomeni

Sports Talk: Radio Radio Sport, Radio Radio. Ilario Di Giovambattista

Motors: Litterio tells you, motors and pain, Radio Roma Sound FM 90.0. Giordano Litterio, Mattia Savini, Gabriele Ziantoni

Special Mention: Andrea Del Monte

Music producer: Gianni Testa

Revelation album: Vincenzo Capua

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