Municipal elections, voter turnout drops in Torre Annunziata after the Alfano case

Municipal elections, voter turnout drops in Torre Annunziata after the Alfano case
Municipal elections, voter turnout drops in Torre Annunziata after the Alfano case

Local elections 2024

June 24, 2024


The turnout in Torre Annunziata for the municipal run-offs has plummeted: at 11pm last night only 22.14% of those entitled to vote had voted.

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Turnout drops in Torre Annunziata, in the province of Naples, where the run-off for the municipal elections is being held. At 12pm yesterday the turnout was as low as 5.62%, an absolutely unpredictable figure on the eve of the event. It didn’t go any better in subsequent surveys: at 7pm only 13.45% had voted while at 11pm, the closing time of the polls, the merciless figure was 22.14% of those entitled to vote. Two weeks ago, at the third survey, the figure was 50.52%: a percentage which at this point appears difficult to reach today, when the polls will close at 3pm and the counting will take place.

Despite a turnout that is very often decreasing throughout Italy, in the municipality of Oplontino there is also a need to consider the case linked to Carmine Alfanothe centre-right mayoral candidate who a few days ago decided to withdraw from the electoral campaign after the controversy over some audio broadcast by the Free Specialists Association (ALS) through L’Espresso, in which the teacher allegedly indulged in phrases such as “in America, rich people are in fashion, men and women exist here, the tracks don’t exist” or “Everyone in there, in the crematorium in Cava de’ Tirreni and we have solved the problem”.

The sentences, which were apparently recorded by the interns themselves, sparked a sea of ​​controversy, which led Alfano to withdraw from the electoral campaign: “I don’t give in to exploitation in this period of squalid buzz and great mystifications”, he said a few days ago. past. The same university of Fisciano, where Alfano is director of the School of Specialization in Plastic Surgery, had explained that it had initiated “disciplinary proceedings against professor Carmine Alfano and at the same time adopted a provision for the precautionary suspension of the teacher from the functions of coordinator of the aforementioned School” .

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