“Cease fire for the release of the hostages, then we will discuss”

“Cease fire for the release of the hostages, then we will discuss”
“Cease fire for the release of the hostages, then we will discuss”

After the green light from Hamas, the Israeli prime minister is open, with reservations, to the US plan. Reporting to parliament, he calls it “biased”. Final stop to weapons on Gaza “only we will have achieved our three objectives”

Published:03-06-2024 18:14

Last update:03-06-2024 18:14

ROME – The ceasefire on Gaza “only for the release of the hostages” and “only on our terms”. At the Knessetthe parliament of Israel the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the developments on the plan promoted by the United States to stop the attacks on Gaza and begin the path to the end of hostilities. Hamas has given the green light to the plan through the voice of the Egyptian foreign minister. While Netanyahu, speaking in the Knesset, sets the limits. “The statement that we agreed on a ceasefire without our conditions being met is not true,” he specified in the Knesset committee. As he explains The Times of Israelas reported by an Israeli official, the prime minister made it clear to parliament that Israel will not end the war in Gaza until it achieves its three goals: the destruction of Hamas’ military and civilian governance capabilities; the release of all hostages; and ensure that Gaza does not pose a threat to Israel.

“The proposal presented by Biden is incomplete,” the prime minister told lawmakers in the closed-door meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Netanyahu also reportedly said there were “gaps” between the Israeli version and Biden’s account. Not only: Israel will not accept the second phase of the agreement – which would include a complete end to the war, according to US President Joe Biden in his speech on Friday – if it conflicts with these objectives.
And again, the official says Israel’s proposal allows Israel to resume fighting at any time “if it concludes that Hamas is buying time in the talks without intending to release all the hostages.”


In conclusion, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he “does not agree with ending the war” in the Gaza Strip and that the plan presented by Biden is “partial, not accurate, with some gaps”, compared to the proposal of Israel. But the opening is there for a temporary truce. “The war – the Prime Minister said – will be stopped in order to return the hostages and then we will discuss”. Netanyahu essentially confirmed that “the proposed agreement includes a temporary ceasefire for the release of the hostages.” So the first phase of Biden’s proposal is good, on the second, to reach a permanent ceasefire, there is still a lot of work to do. The path remains uphill, also due to divisions within the Israeli government and the ultimatums of ultranationalist movements that threaten to leave the alliance.

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