the thieves didn’t know it was the champion’s house

There robbery which took place at House of Roberto Baggio on the day of Spain-Italy inevitably upset the family of Divine Pigtail and the whole world of football. Near tragedywith the criminals arriving to attack the Golden Ball with the butt of a gun, but without serious consequences. Now, investigations are underway who will clarify the dynamics of the offense and will try to identify the robbers, capable of overcoming a sophisticated alarm system.

Robbery at Baggio’s home, investigations underway

Between doubts, hypotheses and first indications, the investigators I’m looking for one trial or a clue that can bring you closer to the robbers who broke into your home Baggio three days ago, Thursday 20 June, during the match Spain-Italy. A painstaking job by the military personnel, who are continuing to examine tapes from video surveillance systems that surround the Altavilla Vicentina estatewhere the Divine Codino has lived for years now.

Every pixel of the footage collected can make a difference. A detail is also being sought in the hours preceding the robbery, to understand the passage and positioning of the vehicles with which the thieves would then escape. We are talking about a very large area, considering the size of Baggio’s property, but the Vicenza hills will be searched far and wide, such as “Never done before in the province of Vicenza”.

According to the testimonies of the Baggio family and a very first reconstruction, they would be looking for as many as six men, all originally from Eastern Europe, three of whom were in possession of a firearm. Between these, one ended up hitting the Divine Pigtail on the forehead, injuring him with the butt of the gun. Moments of fear that saw the criminals inside the house in one time slot between 9.45pm and 10pmright at half-time of the Gelsenkirchen match.

Because not all the security systems were turned on

It all seemed too easy. The gang that managed to enter the perimeter of the Baggio house bypassed the estate’s modern security systems without major problems. But there is a detail that has made the most “comfortable” irruption: “The lightning attack, in full light,” he said Vittorio Petrone, Roby Baggio’s historic agent – ​​did not allow the activation of all the best security systems with which the villa is equipped. Now, from what has happened, we will further strengthen the daytime detection systems throughout the perimeter”, specified the Divin Codino manager.

On the evening of the robbery, Baggio was at home with two of his three children, his wife Andreina Fabbi and his mother-in-law. 40 minutes of authentic terror, because this is the time that elapsed between the entry of the criminals and the end of the looting. Meanwhile, the work of the police continues unabated, with the military from the investigative unit who also searched the area yesterday, trying to connect the dots and reach a definitive solution.

Didn’t the robbers know it was Baggio’s house? The hypothesis

Among the hypotheses being examined by investigators, there is also a rather surreal scenario. The armed commando who broke into the house Baggio Were you aware of who owned the estate? There are clues that open up the possibility that some of the criminals did not know they were inside the home of one of the best players in the history of Italian football. For many, the strongest. The Golden Balldelivered by France Football during his experience at Juventus, it was not touched by the robbers. He was left there in the case.

Same fate for the others too memorabilia relating to the extraordinary career of the Italian champion, called up by Luciano Spalletti at the dawn of Euro 2024. Furthermore, according to what filters from the Baggio family, there would even have been a few moments of hesitation faced with the opportunity to steal the memorabilia present in one of the rooms, as well as the incredulous looks at the time of confrontation with the landlord. Furthermore, they did not leave the walls of the house hunting rifles: protected by chains and padlocks, they were first taken by thieves and then left at the base of a window. Evidently, the protagonists had heard an unwanted noise and were forced to flee quickly.

Important details are also sought through the voices of Roberto Baggio’s neighbors. People who live about 300 meters as the crow flies from the Divin Codino estate, like the former Mayor of Altavilla Vicentina Carlo Dalla Pozzawho reported suspicious passages in the days preceding the robbery: “Between Saturday and Sunday, a relative of mine told me he saw a group of men moving in the hills. They were immediately reported, because they were suspicious. It could have been an inspection – underlined the former mayor –. This area is monitored by cameras with license plate recognition at all entrances and even Baggio, who is a very reserved but very friendly neighbor, is attentive to the issue of security as demonstrated by the anti-intrusion systems installed. Now there is a bit of fearbecause it wasn’t a stunt or the act of some straggler, but a commando of armed people”.

Source: Imago
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