Serie B – Liofilchem ​​Roseto wins over Akern Livorno in game 1

Serie B – Liofilchem ​​Roseto wins over Akern Livorno in game 1
Serie B – Liofilchem ​​Roseto wins over Akern Livorno in game 1

The biancazzurri take Game 1 of the Playoff Final, winning a crazy match after 40 minutes of monstrous intensity. 40 minutes of great pathos at the PalaMaggetti in a superior category setting: 25-9 the score in the last half with a mammoth Mantzaris and a defense bordering on perfection.

Great joy for the blue and white group, a deserved and desired victory: an immense Vangelis Mantzaris makes 19+9 assists and 7 rebounds, Klyuchnyk is surgical with a spatial 7/7 of two and 16 points overall, the usual Donadoni in the octopus version scores 10 and mention goes to Ousmane Maiga’s three-pointer in the last period which gave rise to Rose’s attack.

Libertas starting strong straight away, 4-10 after 3 minutes with Fantoni on the shields and first time-out called by coach Gramenzi: Roseto re-emerges with two triples from captain Mantzaris, partial of 6-0 and 16-19 at the end of the period. The second half opens along the lines of the first, that is, lots of intensity and little spectacle: Santiangeli with a 4-point game signs the Rosetan lead at 22-21, on the other hand, however, Williams first and Tozzi then sign the break that takes them to 29 -22. Ricci’s triple seals Tuscany’s maximum lead at 22-32, then Mantzaris and Durante before Bargnesi with three points secures the result at halftime at 30-37.

After the interval the guests again with Williams and Ricci, Roseto returns with Mantzaris and Klyuchnyk but the Labronici defense is impervious and closes the period ahead by 10, 47-57. But it is in the last ten minutes that Liofilchem ​​rises again, driven by a crazy crowd: Mantzaris creates and paints, Maiga is sidereal, Klyuchnyk is a factor and the defense does everything else. But not even time to celebrate because on Tuesday evening we will immediately return to the field for the match at 8.45pm again at the PalaMaggetti.

LIOFILCHEM ROSETO – LIBERTAS LIVORNO 72-66 (16-19, 30-37, 47-57)
ROSETO: Durante 5, Dervishi, Maiga 5, Fabris, Donadoni 10, Guaiana 6, Tamani, Mantzaris 19, Klyuchnyk 16, Santiangeli 6, Thioune 5 Coach. Gramenzi.
LIVORNO: Hole 1, Bargnesi 7, Fratto 2, Williams 11, Fantoni 9, Tozzi 9, Ricci 15, Madeo, Saccaggi 7, Allinei 5, Lucarelli Coach. Andreazza

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