EU Council, Prime Minister Meloni’s communications in Parliament – News

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is at 9am on Wednesday morning at the Chamber of Communications in view of the European Council on 27 and 28 June. At 3 pm the Prime Minister will then be in the Senate.

Yesterday Meloni prepared the speech to be made to the Chambers in view of the European Council when rumors of a “closed” agreement on the new community summits arrive from Brussels. The same agreement, between the People’s Party, Socialists and Liberals, was criticized a week ago because it started “from names and not from themes” and did not take into account the outcome of the vote. Which also led the conservatives that you lead to become the third group in the European Chamber. A mix which, according to those who spoke to her in the last few hours, would have greatly irritated the prime minister, ready to go “to the clash” on Thursday, when the 27 will have to sit around the table to vote for the new president of the European Council and to also approve the package of so-called top jobs.

“All roads are open at the moment”, summarize his team. A first taste of the Italian posture at the table will already be had tomorrow morning. When Meloni reiterates that a rather clear indication for a “change of pace” has emerged from the polls, even if not self-sufficient in numbers. “It’s not just the appointments, for us it is very important that a clear message comes out of the Summit on issues that are crucial for us such as the competitiveness of the European economy, defence, migration and the strategic agenda”, says the trusty Raffaele Fitto, not by chance. The minister – who concentrates the delegations of European Affairs, cohesion policies and the Pnrr – remains the number one candidate to leave Rome for Brussels, to go and fill that “important” position that the Prime Minister has claimed for Italy in recent weeks.

His departure, moreover, would not create imbalances in the government because the hypothesis that continues to be most accepted is that his delegations will remain at Palazzo Chigi (entrusted to the current undersecretaries of the presidency or to a new ad hoc undersecretary) without envisaging any “reshuffle”. of government. “No reshuffle”, the prime minister has said several times. In any case, we would talk about it a lot later, given that the process for the formation of the new European executive will continue until the autumn. Negotiations on delegations are still open. Italy would aim for the budget, added to cohesion and Pnrr, and an “executive vice presidency”, which according to European sources cited by Bloomberg, would have been “offered in exchange for support for the agreement”. But the Italian government also cares about the priorities to include on the agenda. It is clear that “writing one thing rather than another about migrants can facilitate or distance” positions, explains those who are following the dossier closely. And without “serious guarantees” that there will also be a change in other issues, starting from the green transition, it would become complicated, they also explain in the majority, a yes to Ursula von der Leyen’s encore. Not only when, in mid-July, there will be the parliamentary passage. But also already at the weekend Council. “There are a thousand contacts underway”, also because one of the founding countries withdrawing from the agreement would be unprecedented. “But Giorgia does what is in the national interest”, they explain. And you could also say yes to a framework that is not ideal for you if it is in Italy’s interest, as you have already done on the Stability Pact, for example. But, says more than one senior Fdi representative, you could also “vote no, or abstain, all avenues are open at the moment”. And we will take all the time between now and Friday to obtain that “recognition” which certainly passes for the commissioner of weight. But also, for that agenda which must mark the “shift to the right” indicated by the polls.

To know more EU-Council-Prime-Minister-Melonis-commun ANSA Agency Agreement ready at EU summit on top jobs, Italy will be offered a vice presidency – News – Ticket Von der Leyen-Costa-Kallas, ‘there are no other names’. ‘The EPP renounces the relay to the European Council’. The current president of the Commission will ‘negotiate directly with Meloni’ for the portfolio reserved for Italy. Orban against the agreement: ‘It goes against the foundations of the EU’ (ANSA)

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