The passionate trail emerges for the ambush at the Banchi Nuovi

The passionate trail emerges for the ambush at the Banchi Nuovi
The passionate trail emerges for the ambush at the Banchi Nuovi

A raid carried out with typically Camorra methods but with a motive probably detached from the contexts of organized crime. As the hours pass – as a young man continues to fight between life and death in the intensive care unitPellegrini hospital – the hypothesis that behind the ambush aimed at Nuncio Saltalamacchia and ad Alessio Bianco there may be a settling of scores for reasons of passion during the night between Wednesday and Thursday.

The men of the police are working on this investigative line Flying Squad of Naples, while one of the fundamental points of the investigation is currently being carried out by the experts of the Scientific Police, who are sifting through the images taken in the area of ​​the raid by the video surveillance cameras.


On this black canvas, circumstances are intertwined that cannot be dismissed as simple coincidences. Starting with the exchange on social media between two women: on one side the mother of 21-year-old Nunzio Saltalamacchia, cousin of the alleged boss of Spanish QuartersEduardo, and on the other the “influencer” Rita DeCrescenzo. We will return to the online “battle” launched with very serious accusations by the former later.

What needs to be ascertained immediately are three points. First of all, the identity of the killer, who allegedly fired the bullets from the entire magazine of a pistol at the two young men in the area of ​​Largo Banchi Nuovi, probably acting alone; the role of any accomplices who may have covered his back during the shooting; and the cause of the double wounding.

The challenge

Of course, the trail of a Camorra-style ambush has not been abandoned at all. It should still be taken into consideration (although subordinate to that of reasons of passion perhaps linked to a contested girl) in consideration of the fact that in the Spanish Quarters for some time now fibrillations have reappeared in the circles of organized crime.

In a “fluid” situation, the oppositions between old and new groups and the desire of very young individuals to climb the Camorra hierarchy always constitute a risk with respect to agreements and alliances that have matured in the shadow of the control of the squares of the dealing he was born in racket. If this is true, one might think that the real target of last night’s raid was Nunzio Saltalamacchia himself, and certainly not the 25-year-old Alessio Bianco.

And in the context of perverse logics such as those that characterize the actions of the city’s Camorra, the passionate matrix linked to a surname that is nevertheless of weight in the criminal hierarchies of the historic center could have played a dual role. The challenge remains to be addressed Rosa Macormother of Nunzio Saltalamacchia, has decided to launch with that post published on TikTok against De Crescenzo. An invective launched with a very serious accusation, so much so that the response from the influencer from Saint Lucia came with a complaint for defamation. For the record, Macor shortly thereafter deleted its video, which in the meantime had in any case been acquired by Squara Mobile.

Civil society

In the face of this resurgence of violence affecting the historic center of Naples, the voice of civil society is raised.

And it’s up to Gianfranco Wurzburgerpresident of a voluntary association that has been working with minors at risk for over 25 years, launch an appeal to strengthen the legality structures in the area: “Video surveillance, presence of the police: over the years – says Wurzburger – we have asked for everything to oppose the violence that continually reappears in our territories and that continually threatens our young people. For this reason, with a network of associations (L’Altra Napoli EF – Libera Campania – Forum Mercato Orefici – Sab Kuch milega – Antiche botteghe Tessili – Comunità Islamica – Coop Mannallart -– Obiettivo Napoli, Associazione Progetto Uniforme, ed.), we forcefully ask for new spaces and opportunities to take our young people off the streets and to cultivate projects and initiatives that aim at their rebirth and to build aware and responsible identities. Our idea is the creation of a new youth center at the Church of the Holy Cross and Purgatory in Piazza Mercato, recently partially reopened».

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