Japan Hits Jackpot: 230 Million Ton Mineral Deposit Found

On the seabed near Minamitorishima, a remote island of Tokyothere are tons of nodules of manganese rich in rare metals. This is what researchers from the Nippon Foundation and the University of the Island said on Friday.

Given the importance of rare metals (for example for battery production), Japan had a nice stroke of luck. But could such a jackpot have consequences in Italy too? And do we have deposits of rare earths?

The field will meet Japan’s needs for 75 years

The deposit was found on the seabed near a remote island called Minamitori-shimawhich in Italian means “the southern bird island”. The island is located approximately 1,900 kilometers from Tokyo.

Researchers have identified more than 200 million tons of these nodules at a depth of about 5,000 meters below sea level. They are rich in rare precious metals such as cobalt, manganese and nickel, essential for technologies such as lithium ion batteries. The amount of cobalt would be sufficient to cover the needs of Japan for about 75 years old. The same discovery satisfies the need for nickel for more than a decade.

In detail, it also seems that the volumes are suitable for commercial use, even including extraction and refining costs. The organization plans to start mining 2,500 tons of mineral resource per day in an experimental project by end of March 2026.

The importance of this discovery

Lithium-ion batteries are very important: they are used in electric vehicles, electronic devices e energy storage systems. The demand for these metals is growing thanks to the expansion of the metal industry renewable energies and electric vehicles. Italy has a strong manufacturing and automotive industry: The availability of critical raw materials like these could be critical to supporting the competitiveness of these sectors, especially as the production of electric vehicles increases.

Also Italy is committed to the transition to sources of renewable energy. Furthermore, being a key member of the European Union, it could play a strategic role in the formation of international partnerships for the development and use of these resources.

Access to rare metals such as cobalt and nickel could strengthen the competitiveness of industry homegrown manufacturing and automotive industries, creating the opportunity to participate in international partnerships strategic. Such a strategy could improve our geopolitical position within the European Union and contribute to resource security but above all to technological innovation.

There is also an important mineral deposit in Italy

There is also a mineral deposit in Italy. The deposit of titanium a Piampaludo, in Liguriais one of the largest in Europe. Initially discovered in 1975, it has seen several preliminary developments, such as shallow trenches, wells and geological mapping. This deposit would offer significant potential for the supply of titanium, essential for many industrial applications. But why can’t we use it?

The problems are various. First of all those environmental, which include the potential impact on local ecosystems and biodiversity. There are also social constraints, such asopposition from local communities concerned about the possible contamination of water resources and the impact on tourism. Furthermore, Italian and European regulations on environmental Protection and sustainable resource management represent additional challenges for the start of mining operations. Further studies are therefore needed for possible sustainable mining.

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