Fire risk in Irpinia, provincial coordination for prevention

Fire risk in Irpinia, provincial coordination for prevention
Fire risk in Irpinia, provincial coordination for prevention
The Government Palace on Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in Avellino

A coordinated plan between all the Irpinia institutions to face and neutralize the risk of fires in Irpinia. The prevention and fight against forest fires requires a synergic and coordinated action between all the components of the system to protect public safety and to guarantee public order and security, says the Prefecture of Avellino. In this perspective, in order to analyze the different critical issues and plan the activities of the various actors of the civil protection system, the Prefecture, in agreement with the Regional Directorate of Civil Protection, has organized a meeting to coordinate all the territorial actors. Representatives of the Police, Fire Brigade, the Carabinieri Forestry Group and 118 also took part in the meeting – which represents the beginning of a process of sharing with all the interested local bodies. The phenomenon “requires a commitment from all the forces in the field” declared the prefect, Rossana Riflesso, drawing the attention of the mayors and presidents of the mountain communities of the province to the issue. “The prefecture – continued Riflesso – intends to promote every useful initiative for the purposes of an effective fire-fighting campaign. The Irpinia area is, moreover, a reality immersed in the woods, beautiful from a landscape point of view, but extremely fragile for other aspects, and therefore it seems more necessary than ever to adopt all the precautions to protect this precious heritage”. During the meeting, the representatives of the civil protection illustrated the organizational machine that the Campania Region has put in place for the prevention and fight against forest fires, specifying that the alert period has been extended until October 15, summarizing the data on the phenomenon relating to last year and focusing on the main measures to be adopted. “Currently, also in consideration of the rise in temperatures – concluded the prefect – we are intensifying every action, also in order to strengthen the maximum synergy between all the actors of the system, urging the Local Administrations and, at the same time, raising awareness and stimulating also the companies and bodies that manage the infrastructures. We also appeal to the responsibility of individual citizens, inviting them to avoid risky behaviors”.

Fire risk in Irpinia, provincial coordination for prevention

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