new weather alert for thunderstorms

new weather alert for thunderstorms
new weather alert for thunderstorms

Bologna, 2 July 2024 – Again temporal in Emilia Romagna. After the great heat and sultriness of the last few days, the wave of bad weather and lowering of the temperature which has hit the region since yesterday evening, Monday 1st Julywith the hailstorms which have developed in Bologna and the heavy rains falls to Ferrara. In the Forlì area, however, a storm of wind and sand created havoc during a festival.

Weather alert for thunderstorms in Emilia Romagna on Wednesday 4 July

These phenomena of significant rainfall they will also appear again tomorrow, Wednesday, July 3rdafter Arpae explained in its yellow weather alert that “favourable conditions for the development of severe thunderstormseasing in the evening, with possible associated effects and damages”.

Yellow weather alert: here’s where and from when

L’yellow weather alert for thunderstorms has been identified in all the provinces of the region: Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini. The alert is valid from midnight on Wednesday, July 3rd until midnight Thursday, July 4th.

Mucilage: what is the situation today?

Since Saturday it has reappeared on the coasts of Romagna the problem of the mucilage in the sea. But after the very recent episodes Of bad weather the situation has improved significantly. The rains, wind and storm surges of the last few hours have helped to remove the phenomenon.

In Rimini, in the area of Marina centerthe water near the shore is clear, there is no slime on the surface. Even today there continues to be wind and rough seaand it is therefore likely that the mucilage is dispersing at least close to the shore.

We will have to monitor the situation offshore once we have left the adverse weather conditions behind us and la Daphne will be able to go out to sea to carry out the appropriate checks.

Weather forecast for Wednesday, July 3

On the day of Wednesday, July 3rdthe forecasts Arpae experts have outlined an “increase in cloud cover during the night/early morning with scattered precipitation, mainly of a rainy nature reverse or brief thunderstorm, extending from the plains near the Po to the remaining areas. Phenomena running out in the afternoon starting from the west, with clearings especially in the evening”. temperature minime they are stationary and “between 17 and 20 degrees in urban centres”, while the maximum temperatures are decreasing, “more marked in the central-western sector, with values ​​between 23 and 26 degrees”.

Weather forecast for Thursday, July 4th

Per Thursday, July 4th “temporary cloudiness in the afternoon hours with a low probability of isolated and light showers, more likely on the reliefs. Minimum temperatures almost stationary between 17 and 19 degrees; maximum temperatures increasing especially in the central-western sector with values ​​around 27 degrees on the coast and 28/29 degrees in the inland plains”.

Weather forecast from Friday 5th to Monday 8th July

After the bad weather, the weather will gradually try to settle down over the weekend and at the beginning of next week and temperatures will start to rise again. The sun will shine again on Friday thanks to “a high pressure field” that “will guarantee stable and sunny weather. In the following days the slight weakening of the anticyclone will lead to an alternation between clearings and temporary cloudsmore likely in the western sector of the region where they cannot be excluded local reversalsTemperatures will initially tend to increase to then stabilize at values ​​around 30/32 degrees in the maximum values”.

What will the weather be like in Emilia Romagna?

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