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Udine, the artist Freak of Nature brands the empty shops of the city

Udine, the artist Freak of Nature brands the empty shops of the city
Udine, the artist Freak of Nature brands the empty shops of the city

Freak of Nature brands vacant stores to draw attention to the problem.

Green brush strokesto represent the bamboo canes, and a merciless number: 140, in Udine; it is about the vacant businesses in the city that have been branded in the night raid of Freak of Naturean artist who with this “census” wants to attract attention and make people reflect on abandoned places.

“The 140 shops registered in the city – explains the artist on social media – represent just a part of the many activities abandoned in the historic center of Udine, the twenty-fourth city surveyed, for a total of 2420 shop windows. The goal is bring into the spotlight of citizens, administrators, trade associations and the media, the many empty businesses, abandoned shops that now surround us, become places non-placesleading to social reflection”.

The words “vacant”, accompanied by the green signs of bamboo in different shades, are a denunciation intervention that It does not cause any damage (the colors are water-based and can be cleaned with a sponge) but “induces citizens to see and reflect on what is happening in the vast majority of Italian cities: the economic crisis, too many empty spaces, loss of identity of the city, depopulation, urban and human degradation, lack of integration, in cities that are losing the sense of being on a human scale”.

Photo on Freak of Nature (Instagram)
Photo on Freak of Nature (Instagram)

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