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protection measures and information meeting in Taranto

protection measures and information meeting in Taranto
protection measures and information meeting in Taranto

The high temperatures recently recorded in Taranto have pushed local authorities to adopt a series of measures to protect the health of citizens and offer them the necessary assistance. In line with the ministerial provisions to deal with the heat emergency, the ASL and the Municipality of Taranto, through Social Services, have organized an information meeting on the topic “Heat islands and urban health”.

The event will be held on July 4th at 9:30 am at the “Centro Bassa Soglia” in via Pupino 1, managed by the Emmanuel Community. The Councilor for Social Services of the Municipality of Taranto, Gabriella Ficocelli, expressed the thanks of the Melucci Administration to the ASL of Taranto for organizing the information day, giving special recognition to the general director, Vito Gregorio Colacicco; to the health director, Sante Minerva; to the director of the Socio-Health Structure, Vito Giovannetti; to the director of Statistics and Epidemiology, Antonia Mincuzzi; and to the analyst manager, Rodolfo Sardone.

Special thanks were also given to the Emmanuel Community for their hospitality, in the persons of Dr. Vincenzo Leone, Coordinator of the Emmanuel Community Base Center in Lecce; Dr. Isabella D’Ambrosio, psychotherapist coordinator of CABS Taranto; and Dr. Maria Anna Carelli, head of the Emmanuel Taranto Community. Councilor Ficocelli extended his thanks to all those who support and assist the community during times of emergency and who will participate in the meeting.

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