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Salerno, Iannone (FdI): “On Sunday we will commemorate Carlo Falvella like every year”

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Reading time: 2 minutes

It is shameful that Ampi tries to revive ideological clashes that in the Years of Lead led to the tragic death of so many young people. Carlo Falvella was one of these and like every year on Sunday morning we will commemorate him as we have always done together with our young people. A moment that is collective memory for Salerno and that the youth movement of Fratelli d’Italia has always lived in a logic of pacification so that that season never returns. This year will be 52 years since Carlo’s death at the hands of the madness of the anarchist Marini who for that unfortunate gesture was protected and rewarded by the left. Ideological stupidity went that far and Ampi is nostalgic for it with its salon heirs of the red partisans. People who wanted to replace the fascist dictatorship with the communist one by bringing Italy into the Warsaw Pact and the satellite countries of the Soviet Union. It is clear that we will never give in to the mentality of these historical losers and we will always tell young people that their political commitment is fundamental for democracy and they must exercise it by never becoming an instrument of bad teachers who led to the tragedy of Carlo. Sunday at 10:30 we will be in Via Velia for a composed moment of remembrance, like every year”.
This is stated by Senator of Brothers of ItalyAntonio Iannone, Regional Commissioner of the Party in Campania.

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