Road redevelopment, 410 thousand euro works on four provincial roads of Terni

Road redevelopment, 410 thousand euro works on four provincial roads of Terni
Road redevelopment, 410 thousand euro works on four provincial roads of Terni

Work on four provincial roads in the Terni area worth 410,000 euros has begun. In particular, the sections between Alviano, Penna in Teverina and Giove will be the subject of road redevelopment.

Jobs These are the Sp 11 Todi-Orte and Sp 30 both between Alviano and Alviano scalo, Sp 84 in Penna in Teverina and Sp 31 di Giove. In Alviano, investments of 180 thousand euros are planned for the resurfacing of the roads in some sections of the residential centers and outside them, in the most deteriorated areas. In Penna in Teverina and Giove, on the other hand, the resources amount to 230 thousand euros of funds from the Internal Areas for the redevelopment of a section of about 300 meters in the residential center of Penna in Teverina and along the Sp di Giove for another 300 meters. The Province has announced that the body “has issued specific ordinances that establish the one-way system regulated by traffic lights or traffic controllers in order to guarantee safety for the operators of the companies in charge and for vehicular traffic.”

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