Irregular workers, in Abruzzo there are 66,400 according to Cgia – Notizie d’Abruzzo

The annual turnover attributable to irregular work in Italy amounts to 68 billion euros. Approximately 35 percent of this added value produced by the underground economy is attributable to the regions of the South. This is what emerges from an analysis conducted by the Cgia Research Office. The report also highlights that the people involved in the underground economy in our country are just under 3 million and also in this case it is the South that is the geographical division of the country with the highest percentage: 37.2 percent of the total. However, the phenomenon has now also extended to the Center-North and has a record presence especially in the sector of services to people (housekeepers, carers, etc.). The rate of irregularity in this sector reaches 42.6 percent. In second place we see agriculture with 16.8 percent and in third place construction with 13.3 percent. In Abruzzo there are 66,400 irregular workers, with an irregularity rate of 12.8%.

“After the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, in some areas of the country important parts of the economy came under the control of mafia-type criminal organizations which combined the massive economic investments with the use of violence, threats and the seizure of documents to “win” the favor of large masses of workers, especially foreigners. The application of these coercions has transformed many pockets of the underground economy into forced labour, causing many Italians who were in vulnerable conditions to slip into this infernal circle”, we read in a note from the CGIA.

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