Rugby Como, green line ok: Sala and Invernizzi in blue

Two good news for Rugby Como: the club of president Michele Cerbo has in fact brought two young players into the National team. Jacopo Sala, who made his debut in Serie A with the Parabiago jersey, has been included in the Under 18 group, while Simone Invernizzi has joined the list of players who will end up in the Academy, a real “school” for rugby but also for studying.

The Como club continues the tradition started by Davide Ruggeri, who is currently in Zebre Parma and who has worn the blue in all the youth teams (with the addition of the captain’s rank). Continued by Tommaso Trombetta who has already played in the Under 18, even scoring a try. And who without a “boring” injury, would have also participated in the Six Nations of the category. The quartet praises the good work of the Rugby Como youth sector.

A sector that has other “arrows” available, in addition to the “points”. It is enough to remember the Under 16 that in the season just ended, has made a beautiful journey, entering the interregional phase, where it finished in second place, after a long head to head with Varese. Several Under 18 players then participated in the category championship, with the Parabiago jersey, a company with which the Como team collaborates. Also in Parabiago, some Como players play.

“I hope to be able to set up the pink team again, when we have the new sports center available, for the 2025/26 season – confides president Michele Cerbo -. We are proud of the call-ups of our boys in the blue jersey. They did not get there by chance, but also thanks to the work of our youth sector coaches, who have so much passion and transmit it to all the boys”.

The company is continuously growing: after the slowdown due to the pandemic, the numbers have started to rise again. There are currently 400 members: around forty for the first team, around thirty for the Old (led by president Cerbo himself).

“With these “numbers” we were already tight – concludes the top manager of the Wild Boars -. With the new project, which includes public and private partnerships, we will have more space and therefore we will also be able to have more practitioners. And, I do not deny it, we can also think about the assault on the B series. But this is a topic that we will address in due time, also strong in a structure up to the task”. The new center, with two rugby fields, should be completed in 2025.

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