Bolzano: 23 young Austrian magistrates visit the Police Headquarters

Bolzano: 23 young Austrian magistrates visit the Police Headquarters
Bolzano: 23 young Austrian magistrates visit the Police Headquarters

Bolzano – As part of the European cooperation programs in judicial matters and public security, the Police Commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori received a delegation made up of 23 young new magistrates from the regions of Linz and Salzburg, serving in the District of the Linz Regional Court.

Welcomed in the Press Room of the Police Headquarters, after the ritual greetings the Police Commissioner illustrated to the guests coming from Austria the role and functions of the Provincial Public Security Authority, the complex skills in directing activities to protect order and public security, in the Administrative Police and Immigration sector, in the prevention and repression of criminal and subversive phenomena and in the application of Personal and Property Prevention Measures.

At the end of the conversation with the Police Commissioner, the Austrian delegation was accompanied to visit the various Operational Departments of the Police Headquarters: an opportunity that, throughout the morning, allowed the young Magistrates to observe the functioning of some of the most important Offices, such as the Operations Center, the “Flying” Squad, the Bomb Squad and the Selected Shooters, and then concluded the meeting with a visit to the Historical Museum of the State Police.

“International cooperation in judicial and police matters represents a very important aspect of the institutional activities of the police and judicial authorities – Commissioner Sartori highlighted during yesterday’s meeting –. Most of the most complex criminal activities, nowadays, have implications on a transnational level, and for this reason an effective action of prevention, contrast and repression cannot ignore two aspects: on the one hand the adoption, by all the Countries, of harmonious and compatible legislations and, on the other, the systematic use of the channels of International Police and Judicial Cooperation. (especially Interpol, Europol, SIRE.NE and Eurojust) and all those operational tools provided above all by European regulations (European Arrest Warrants, European Investigation Orders, Joint Investigation Teams, etc..) which allow us to operate at an international level by adopting simplified procedures, and the results of which can be fully used in judgments in all participating countries”.

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