The 42nd Inner Wheel Club of Italy is born in Molise

CAMPOBASSO. The 42nd Inner Wheel Club of Italy was born in Campobasso in the hundredth year of its foundation.

Molise is enriched by a new all-female Inner Wheel club, after the one in Isernia founded 17 years ago. This is the International Inner Wheel, a charity, founded in England, that has just celebrated a century of life.

In fact, on June 18, the 42nd Inner Wheel club was also established in Campobasso, founded by 17 women driven by enthusiasm and the desire to serve in society, who share philanthropic principles and are committed to achieving goals of solidarity towards others. The service is provided by members through fundraising for charity and the organization of meetings to raise awareness in civil society. After a process of ideological sharing of principles and objectives with national and district authorities of the International Inner Wheel, the club’s establishment ceremony was held in the beautiful and welcoming location “Coriolis by Eden”, in the presence of Inner Wheel authorities, institutional authorities and representatives of associations such as Rotary, the Lions Club and Fidapa. The establishment ceremony was full of great emotion, in particular for the elected president Maria Antonietta Sassi, for the founding members and for all the guests who attended.


The International Inner Wheel is an autonomous women’s association, although close to the Rotary clubs, of which it shares the same symbol, the wheel, and the same ideals and principles: promoting true friendship, encouraging the ideals of individual service, encouraging international understanding. The history of Inner Wheel began in England, more than a century ago, during the First World War by some wives of Rotarians, who in the absence of their husbands, had taken on their social duties, establishing a Ladies’ Club. Subsequently, if desired continue the common activity undertaken, the first Inner Wheel Club in Manchester was established on the initiative of Margarette Golding.

Today, International Inner Wheel is a non-governmental organization recognized by the United Nations with permanent observer status in the Economic and Social Council and some IW delegates are accredited to the UN Centers in Geneva, Vienna and New York. Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s volunteer and service organizations in the world and operates in about 100 countries, with over 120,000 members and 4,200 Clubs, in continuous and constant expansion. The first Italian IW club was founded in 1974 in Naples and currently in Italy there are 6 Districts. The Molise clubs are part of District 209.

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