Viterbo, the special Jupiteriter kids arrive at the North Cape – News

Viterbo, the special Jupiteriter kids arrive at the North Cape – News
Viterbo, the special Jupiteriter kids arrive at the North Cape – News

Jupiter’s caravan left Civita di Bagnoregio on 19 June, where the president of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca personally intervened to wish a good journey to the boys who were starting their adventure, which ended yesterday evening shortly after 11pm with the arrival at the North Cape.

The convoy of eight cars carrying 5 ‘special’ boys, 5 teenage talents of music and sports, accompanied by communications experts, faced the long journey through various stages to the finish line, where to seal the feat accomplished, they posed for a photo in front of the Nordkap monument.

“The wind was blowing us in every direction, gusts of 50 kilometers per hour,” wrote Jupiter president Salvatori Regoli after the finish. “We got out of the cars and couldn’t see more than 10 meters away, wrapped in fog.

Bundled up in our jackets, wrapped in scarves and worried about our hats flying off, we looked for each other to be as close as possible. Arm in arm, hand in hand, running, we arrived under the globe of Cape North without even realizing it, with our voices and our bodies carried by the wind. We looked for each other and found each other, as we did throughout the journey. Together. No one will forget these days.”

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