Women’s Football in Umbria: Growth and Inclusion

Women’s Football in Umbria: Growth and Inclusion
Women’s Football in Umbria: Growth and Inclusion

Women’s Football in Umbria: Growth and Inclusion

Women’s soccer in Umbria is experiencing a period of significant growth. This sport, which has made great strides in recent years, has become a symbol of the fight against violence and a means to promote inclusion.

Umbria, in particular, is demonstrating a notable commitment in this area. The women’s movement in the region is growing both in terms of numbers and quality. A clear example is the Ternana Women team, which recently came close to promotion to Serie A.

Luigi Repace

These themes were at the center of a day dedicated to women, held in the auditorium of the Football Federation in Perugia. During the event, illustrious speakers, including the former Italian footballer Federica Di Criscio and the Under 20 coach Marco Canestro, discussed women’s football, gender equality, inclusion and the fight against all forms of violence.

Also present at the event was the new mayor of the capital, Vittoria Ferdinandi, at her second public appearance. The debate meeting, entitled “1-1 X – When parity is victory”, offered the opportunity to reflect on the role of women’s football in contemporary society.

On the sidelines of the conference, an integrated football exhibition match was held, a concrete message of social inclusiveness. This event underlined the importance of sport as a tool for inclusion and the fight against discrimination.

In conclusion, the growth of women’s football in Umbria is a positive sign. This sport is increasingly becoming a symbol of the fight against violence and the promotion of inclusion. With initiatives such as the one organized by the Football Federation in Perugia, Umbria is demonstrating its commitment to supporting and promoting women’s football.

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