Port, surcharge postponed – Province of Civitavecchia

Port, surcharge postponed – Province of Civitavecchia
Port, surcharge postponed – Province of Civitavecchia

CIVITAVECCHIA – It should have come into force tomorrow but instead the provision of the Port System Authority for the increase in the surcharge for each ton of goods loaded and disembarked in the port of Civitavecchia – defined as 0.724 euros – intended for find the resources to cover the amortization installments provided for in the loan agreement with the EIB necessary to finance the completion of the extension of the breakwater, dock 13 II lot.

Initially, the increase was supposed to take effect on January 1st, with the effective date then postponed to July 1st. The goal of the Adsp led by President Pino Musolino was to be able to find, in those six months, the 45 million earmarked for complete coverage of the infrastructure project. President Musolino had also turned to the MIT to evaluate the possibility of seeing these funds attributed to the Adsp, through a reallocation of resources or a redistribution of Pnrr funds initially earmarked for works that would no longer be built. The surcharge would be “the last resort” but still the only possibility to not miss the opportunity to build the additional 400 meters of breakwater, essential for the development of the port. According to the contractual amendment with the EIB, the final date of availability of the funds is set for December 31, 2024. And by that date Molo Vespucci intends to negotiate with the EIB the conditions and methods of drawing the 45 million tranche of the loan contract. In the meantime, “the need to proceed with a verification of the calculations underlying the definition of the rate of increase of the surcharge, calculated last June at 0.724 euros – reads the decree signed by President Musolino last Friday – has been assessed, taking into account both the changed volumes of goods loaded and unloaded in the port of Civitavecchia due to the upcoming decommissioning of the Enel power plant in Tvn and the trend in interest rates for the financing of large-scale infrastructure works.

During the suspension period of the terms of the decree of entry into force of the increase in the surcharge, therefore, the Authority’s offices will work to try to find, at least in part, the funds necessary to cover the mortgage installments, acting and intervening on possible revenues or savings of the entity. As you will remember, the extension of the breakwater was financed in the PNRR for approximately 60 million, with the cost however rising from the 69 million originally planned to approximately 106 million with the general increase in the prices of raw materials. “The Adsp will be able to cover the remaining 45 million with a further draw on the EIB loan – Musolino himself clarified last year – and to cope with the financial costs of the operation it was necessary to resort to increasing the surcharge rate by 0.724 euros per ton. We would have gladly done without it, as it is a recessive measure, but necessary to avoid losing 60 million in public resources”.


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