5 thousand substitutes to start the new year

5 thousand substitutes to start the new year
5 thousand substitutes to start the new year

The countdown begins hiring in the hot summer of school. But the school year risks starting with at least 5 thousand substitutes, especially in middle and high schools. According to local unions, only one precarious worker in 10 will be able to get the pass to enter the world of school through the main door. There are exactly 611 places reserved for permanent placements in Province of Salerno.

The school office has made known the table regarding the availability of vacant chairs at the conclusion of the national mobility operations which may be allocated to the placement operations in the various school levels: these are the chairs still free after the annual mobility operations of tenured professors and teachers at provincial and inter-provincial level. There has been a slight decline in the availability of free professorships compared to last year, when the quota of places stood at 726 professorships.

The permanent appointments, managed by the regional school office as regards the appointments from the merit rankings of the competitions and from the Superintendency only for hiring from Rankings are exhausted, they will start in July, after the approval of Ministry of Finance. But for a few days now it has been possible to fear the concrete chances of appointment for long-term temporary workers who have been waiting for stabilization for years. The contingent will be split equally 50/50 between the two recruitment channels. But the school year risks starting with many chairs to be assigned to temporary workers. This is because the competition that started in March for middle and high school temporary workers has not yet come to a conclusion, with the oral exams still underway. This will end up fueling the pockets of historic precarious employment in the province with widespread use of substitute teachers. Only on support is there a fear of massive use of temporary staff on the de facto staff of schools in the face of new diagnoses of disabled students. The unions estimate that in the Salerno area from September there will be space for more than 2 thousand temporary workers on vacant positions not covered by hiring and more than 3 thousand on short-term positions from institute rankings. And the unions are protesting.

«Let’s think about the way in which a precarious teacher experiences the work experience – he declares Susy Parrillo, territorial representative of Uil Salerno school – knowing that they only have to stay in an institution for one year. Instability also ends up affecting the way of relating to parents or colleagues, not to mention the moment of separation from the students to whom the teacher has dedicated an entire year. Restoring dignity to work is therefore the objective pursued by the Uil Scuola, requesting at least three-year fixed-term contracts that can favor the solution of precarious employment.”

In Salerno there is space for 611 roster entries. Unfortunately, there is a drop in hiring to be assigned to the Salerno area: compared to last year, in fact, there is a sharp drop in hiring. Compared to the 726 permanent hirings carried out for the 2023-2024 school year, we will go, as mentioned, to 611 this summer, with a decrease in the stabilization of 115 chairs. In the Salerno area, more people will be hired in high schools. Specifically, 83 teaching positions are vacant in nursery schools, 111 in elementary schools, 144 in middle schools, and 273 in high schools. Clearly, the school administration will have to wait for the approval of the Ministry of Finance to formalize the permanent appointments, which still has to authorize the hiring quota for next September.

Despite 2,833 fewer students since September and the sharp demographic declinethe Regional School Office has saved many chairs from cancellation. The list of currently vacant chairs, however, worries the vast army of precarious workers. In addition to the precarious workers in the Graduatorie ad Esclusione (about 700), there are those in the merit rankings of the competitions managed by the regional management.


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