Antonio Canova: the meeting of culture and industry in Treviso

Antonio Canova: the meeting of culture and industry in Treviso
Antonio Canova: the meeting of culture and industry in Treviso

A meeting that explores the intertwining of culture and industry, Wednesday 3 July at Palazzo Giacomelli

TREVISO – Antonio Canova, a precursor of Made in Italy? A suggestive but plausible statement, considering the famous sculptor from Possagno as an example of creativity and artisanal ability, appreciated and spread throughout the world. Canova represents an early example of the integration between culture and industry that, today as then, stimulates and makes the production system of our territory and of the country grow.

For this reason, Confindustria Veneto Est and Fondazione Canova Onlus have decided to renew their consolidated collaboration, promoting the figure of Antonio Canova. The first appointment of this initiative will be the meeting “Canova Culture and Business” to be held Wednesday 3 July at 5:30 pm at Giacomelli Palace in Treviso (Piazza Garibaldi 13).

Institutional greetings and opening of the event

The event will begin with greetings from Denise ArchiuttiDelegate for business culture of Confindustria Veneto Est, and Max ZanettiPresident of the Canova Foundation.

Conversation on culture and business

The journalist Kety Mandurino will lead the discussion, in which the following will participate Alessia of the Corona BorgiaDirector of the Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza and Councillor for Culture, Territorial Marketing and Commerce of the Municipality 1 of the Municipality of Milan, and Moira MascottoDirector of the Gypsotheca Antonio Canova Museum.

Renewal of the agreement

At the end of the meeting, the renewal of the agreement between the Canova Foundation and Confindustria Veneto Est will be signed for the concession of the two original plaster casts “Venus and Mars” and “Venus Italica”, exhibited since 2012 at the Association’s operational headquarters in Treviso in Piazza delle Istituzioni.

Canova: an example of artisan excellence

Canova’s work is representative, albeit in a different historical context from ours, of that virtuous intertwining of two elements that are part of the Italian and Venetian identity: aesthetics and artisanal skill. The production districts of our region include a multitude of small and medium-sized businesses organized in networks and supply chains, which stand out in various sectors: from fashion to design, from mechanics to agri-food. The current challenge for our industrial system is to renew its originality through the valorization of local excellence.

The meetings of the Business Library of Confindustria Veneto Est are supported by CentroMarca Banca.

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