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Protests begin: “Salaries and holidays at risk”

Protests begin: “Salaries and holidays at risk”
Protests begin: “Salaries and holidays at risk”

Waste tender, there is the warning from Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti. Already in the last few days, the two trade union organizations had shown scepticism and perplexity about the transfer of the construction site between the Isvecwhich is managing the service under an extension, and the Sieco Of Bari which won the new tender of the Commoneven before knowing the sentence of the Tar Campaniawhich will be pronounced only on October 24th.

The Isvecwhich came in second in the competition, has in fact challenged the decision to entrust the Sieco. The TAR, with the ordinance of June 21stdid not accept or reject the requests of the appellant company, leaving the Municipality the discretion to choose whether to proceed with the assignment and the signing of the contract to Sieco or make a new extension to the Isvec pending the hearing.

The administration opted for the first solution and appointed a new Rup and informed the parties involved that the transfer of construction sites must be carried out no later than 15th of July. Hence the warning letter sent by the two trade unions to the prefect Joseph Castaldo and to the Mayor Carlo Marino.


This time the spotlight is on fears related to the failure to pay wages to workers. «The Common – explain the provincial secretaries Joseph Gravino and John Guarino – has not yet complied with the payment of the May canon. The Isvec he made it known that if this non-compliant attitude were to continue he would not be able to meet the salaries of June and July, nor the payment of the fourteenth salary”. Hence the request for guarantees which will have to be certified before the construction site passageunder penalty of activating a state of agitation which will be followed by other protest initiatives. Furthermore, the two unions demand answers from Sieco on the organization of work, on the planning of holidays, on second level negotiations, on equipment of the vehicle fleet and on clothing.

«We have already had the opportunity to underline – the two secretaries add – our opposition to the acceleration imposed by the Authority on the procedures for the transfer of management of the urban hygiene services in the middle of the summer period, which, in our opinion, will cause many problems for workers, including the enjoyment of holidays that have already been planned. We also stigmatize the decision to proceed with the award to Sieco without waiting for the TAR’s decision».

The fear of the labor unionsin light of the penalties imposed by the administration on the Isvec due to some inefficiencies found in the urban hygiene service and which, it seems, exceed one million eurosis that the Authority can retain part of the fee precisely because of the fines, with serious repercussions on the workers. The union front however does not seem united on this issue. In fact, if the Cgil prefers not to expose themselves, at least until the construction site is handed over, the representatives of the Fiadel they appear much more serene than their colleagues CISL e Uil«some say it can’t get any worse than this».


The Isvecthrough his lawyer, has announced that he intends to also challenge the latest measures adopted by the administration. In particular, the company contests the interpretation of the Municipality regarding the alleged illegitimacy of further extensions. In fact, in determination number 698 of 28 June the Authority maintains that, if it had not opted for the award to Siecoshould have identified a third party, due to the impossibility of proceeding with Isvec which has already benefited from multiple extensions between August 2023 and June 2024.

The company points out, however, that there are some in the province Common where there are waste companies that have been operating under a two-year extension. Regarding the unpaid fees from the Institutionthe company clarifies: «Even though we have the Interrupted municipalitysince the month of May, the payment of the contractual fee due for the contracted service is regularly madethe Isvec has guaranteed the balance of the wages. It is evident, however, that this financial imbalance jeopardises the possibility of a punctual payment of the June salaries and the fourteenth salary, as Isvec cannot continue to advance what is not paid».

The leader of the Fdi group also intervened on the case yesterday, Paul Santonastaso. «Almost a year ago – says the councilor – I was the first to formally ask for explanations regarding the actions of the Isvec and to highlight some inefficiencies in the management of the service by the company. This, however, does not justify the attitude of the Municipality that, in the rush to award the service of urban hygiene to Sieco, without waiting for the definition of the judgment proposed by Isvec and pending before the Tar, risks exposing the Institution to significant economic damage».

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